wendell berry speaking schedule 2022

wendell berry speaking schedule 2022March 2023

He especially loved Meb, who on Sunday afternoons took him through the countryside, on foot and horseback, teaching him about the wildlife and telling him stories about his parents and grandparents, whod lived entirely off the land. It was some instinctive love of wilderness that would always bring me back here, he wrote, but it was by the instincts of a farmer that I established myself., He turned himself around at the University of Kentucky, where he earned undergraduate and masters degrees in English. War, he suggests, begins in a failure of acceptance. I think what gives us the most hope is collaborating with others. He grew particularly close to Ernest Gaines, another Stegner Fellow. The Fords used a team of horses or mules to pull a jumper plow, with a vertical blade called a coulter. It seems as if the only point to his revisionist history is to try to beat the thoughtless trolls at their own game, flinging back in their face the truism that the urban North has never been pure and virtuous. But it has become such a pleasure., In the early sixties, the Berrys seemed to be launched on a very different life. " Wendell Berry's Advice for a Cataclysmic Age .". All American Entertainment Named to Inc. Best Workplaces in 2022. You need a very settled team, because when it rose up, if you didnt look out, it would break your legor your neck.. For what was slavery, other than a way for the wealthy to avoid work by forcing another person to the fields and then stealing the fruits of their sweat? Both slavery and the industrial world can be indefensible. The particularity of that saves me a lot of trouble trying to imagine how poorly it must be doing., Almost despite himself, Berry built a following. On a summer night near the end of the war, Lucinda saw men in uniform making off with her husband on horseback, and set out behind them on foot, in her nightgown. They are actually profoundly revolutionary., Berry distrusts political movements, which, he writes, soon decline from any possibility of reasonable discourse to slogans, shouts, and a merely hateful contention in the capitols and streets. Still, he is a lifelong protester. Which is why the imperialistic Mexican-American War was fought: Slavery needed new lands, preferably in a cotton-growing climate, like Texas, so that the plantation owners could become ever richer. Hed long since forgotten his prickly response to my fathers insistence that he cut those final hundred pages. Mason cited Miss Minnie and Ptolemy Proudfoot, a couple she found particularly endearing. Wallace Stegner once wrote to him, Your books seem conservative. Shoemaker, who now edits Berry at Counterpoint Press, told me that his books were popular with environmentalists, hippies, and civil-rights advocates: Wendell was a hero to those people, saying the unsayable out loud. His ideas about the virtues of agrarian societies had sweeping implicationsto solve the problems of the modern world required thoroughly reconceiving how we live. Rob Krier, an architect, urbanist, scholar, painter, sculptor and educator, has been named the recipient of the 2022 Richard H. Driehaus Prize at the University of Notre Dame. It goes about its business as if it were immortal, with the single purpose of becoming a bigger pile of money.. It was dangerous and a polluter, he acknowledged, but also handy and fast. On the dashboard were two lengths of wood, sharpened at one end, which he identified as tobacco sticks. Miss Minnie is a neat, ninety-pound schoolteacher. For Berry, as for hooks, love was more than a feeling. In reality, people accommodate each other., Berry hailed the concentration of talent, work, and courage in Whitesburg, citing its most famous resident, Harry Caudill, whose history of Appalachia, Night Comes to the Cumberlands, came out in 1963 and brought the war on poverty to eastern Kentucky. He also talked about a married couple, Tom and Pat Gish, who in 1956 bought the local newspaper, the Mountain Eagle, and ran it for fifty-two years. We can take our stand either on the side of life or on the side of death. What he means is that each of us needs to decide if were going to live according to the rules of nurture or exploitation. After Wendell received a Guggenheim Fellowship, they lived for a year in Tuscany and southern France, then moved with their children, Mary and Den, to New York, where Wendell taught at New York University. It's the use of the word abandon that puzzles me. Why are you here? Ashland replied, Actually, sir, Im a member of the Wendell Berry Farming Program., In 2017, Mary started Our Home Place Meat, a beef program inspired by the Burley Association. For her, it completes a cycle of nearly 60 years. On top of one stack was a note Berry had made, and crossed out, about Marianne Moores poem What Are Years? Above a small safe, curling photographs were taped to a wall: Wallace Stegner, Ernest Gaines, Donald Hall and Jane Kenyon, Thomas Merton. Wendell explained that Lucie was named for his great-grandmother Lucinda Bowen Berry, the heroine of stories he told his children and grandchildren. The best of movies, TV, books, music, and more, delivered to your inbox. He is an elected member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers and was given The National Humanities Medal. How does he keep it fresh? Once, Meb told Wendell, his father carried in a sack on his back fifty rabbits and a big possum up the slope we were climbing, and across the ridge to the road to Port Royal, where he sold the animals at the farm store. I am damned doubtful that Ill cut anything like a hundred more pages out of this book. Yet, he added, if I keep finding so much to agree with in your complaints I ought to get the MS back and rewrite it from one end to the other.. Mary complained to her father, Why do we always have to do things the hardest way? But she never considered moving away. According to historian Edward Baptist, the enslaved increased their productivity by 361 percent between 1811 and 1860, not because of innovative machinery but innovations in violence, the systematized torture that caused mortality rates to skyrocket far above what was typical for white Americans. It is a domestic Vietnam. My father, responding to an essay about war and ecological degradation, asked, Hasnt civilized man almost always been out of tune with the natural world, a parasite and a destroyer of his planet? Berry replied, Thomas Merton says man went wrong when he left the Stone Age., In 1977, as my father was being ushered into retirement, Berry was told that it was time to find a new publisher. It is a scene from the Book of Revelation. Wendell and Tanya bought the tract after Melvin died, in 1984. He divides his time between writing and farmwork, continuing his vocation of championing sustainable agriculture in a country fueled by industrial behemoths, while striving to insure that rural Americans a mocked, despised, and ever-dwindling minority do not perish altogether., Berry let Wickenden read, and quote from, his forthcoming book, due this summer: The Need to Be Whole, in which He argues that the problem of race is inextricable from the violent abuse of our natural resources, and that White peoples part in slavery and all the other outcomes of race prejudice, so damaging to its victims, has also been gravely damaging to white people. Currently, a dozen farming families participate. He had made a bird feeder and fastened it to the porch railing, so he could watch the comings and goings of chickadees, titmice, juncos, and jays. Berry has found a kind of salvationand a lifelong subjectin his stewardship of the land he farms in Kentucky. Reviewed by Robert Grano. On a bitterly cold winter day, he had to leave the comfort of the house: his livestock was out, and a fence had to be mended. He writes of exchanging friendly talk with Trump voters at Port Royals farm-supply store, a kind of tolerance that is necessary in a small town: If two neighbors know that they may seriously disagree, but that either of them, given even a small change of circumstances, may desperately need the other, should they not keep between them a sort of pre-paid forgiveness? By Dorothy Wickenden February 21, 2022 Berry has. . Wendell Berry, a quiet and humble man, has become an outspoken advocate for revolution. As a people, wherever we have been, we have never really intended to be. Much of the rest of the book is devoted to tracing out the conflict of two different tendencies that Berry sees as defining American history: the exploitative one, characterized by the pioneer, the trader, the land speculator, the investor, the tycoon and stock trader, and the nurturing one, exemplified by small, subsistence family farms. It is the knowledge that people have of each other, their concern for each other, their trust in each other, the freedom with which they come and go among themselves.. Thats community journalism. When they express alarm about climate change, she tells them, You cant throw up your hands in despair. He is an elected member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers, a recipient of The National Humanities Medal, and . Back at Lanes Landing Farm, Berry said that it was time to feed the sheep, so we set out in his battered pickup. He was pretty sure he knew the culprit. Though we have thoroughly rejected slavery, Berry writes that the nations dominant ambition, to never dirty our hands, increasingly from the Civil War until now, was set by the slaveowner. The results have been ruinous: For the sake of freedom from certain kinds of work, we have seriously degraded the creaturely commonwealth of earth, water, and air, and ourselves along with it., This is damage, Berry writes, that cannot be legislated away (though enlightened agricultural policy favoring small farmers and redistributing land to Black agrarians would help). The mind that is not baffled is not employed. After visiting Berry at his Kentucky farm, Wickenden wrote, From this sliver of vanishing America, Berry cultivates the unfashionable virtues of neighborliness and compassion. If people are as grass before God, they are as nothing before their machines.. In 1933, as prices plummeted during the Great Depression, the FranklinD. Roosevelt Administration passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act, to save farmers from ruin. It had a smooth handle and a bulbous head, squared off at the end. Like any good anarchist, Berry knows that all we have is one another; like any good farmer, he knows that change takes time. It sounded impossibly idealistic, given the number of family-farm foreclosures. He set out to prove them wrong, even as he admitted, I seem to have been born with an aptitude for a way of life that was doomed., He found a kind of salvation, and a subject, in stewardship of the land. He stopped where the woods by the creek gave way to an open field and a tobacco barn. Wendell said to her, It sounds like youre starting a center. Mary had no idea how to run a nonprofit, but, she told me, I had what was left of a pretty good farm culture and a well-watered landscape.. He wanted to write an ambitious regional novel, but he was just stuck and depressed. At one point, Tanya suggested, Maybe you need to mature a bit. But his cussedness prevailed, and year by year the novel grew. The Gishes moved the papers operations to their house and got out the next issue. Wendell Berry (born August 5, 1934) is an American novelist, poet, essayist, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer. Berry was descended from slaveholders on both sides of his family. The camp has no plumbing or electricity. She was outside, and one of the roosters was crowing raucously. Berry observes, The deal we are being offered appears to be that we can change the world without changing ourselves. This kind of thinking enables us to continue using too much energy of whatever color, hoping that fields of solar panels and ranks of gigantic wind machines will absolve us of guilt as consumers. Wendell Berry, Hannah Coulter (Shoemaker and Hoard, 2004) 1-59376-078-7 $16.95 190. THE MORAL AND SPIRITUAL VISION OF WENDELL BERRY Instructor Dr. Brian Volck Schedule Mondays, 6:00 - 8:30 pm Description This course will explore the essays, . I called Abbie after I got back to New York. How an unemployed blogger confirmed that Syria had used chemical weapons. But between his introduction and concluding two chapters, theres a revisionist history of slavery and its legacy that is largely unburdened by historical fact, laced with resentment about verbal slights flung at both the South and the rural U.S., and utterly incurious as to why, for instance, masses of Americans might find statues of Confederate generals objectionable and so be inspired to pull them down (Berry dismisses statue removal, as well as much of liberal politics, as simple political correctness). Youre not responsible for solving the whole problemyou just do what you can do., Four years ago, the Berry Center and Sterling College, an experiential learning school in Craftsbury, Vermont, started the Wendell Berry Farming Program, which provides twelve students tuition-free study on Henry County farms. Tann plans eventually to open an agrarian-science centera farm-to-table Wonka factory, where hell serve locally sourced meals and proselytize about diversified farming. This extended synthesis of the history of agriculture, the history of race, and the history of work is something new for Berry, and The Need to Be Whole is at its best when Berry, who often sounds like a homegrown, Christ-quoting mix of Karl Marx and the founder of anarchism, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, argues that violence is so far our historys dominant theme, that the willingness to exploit people is never distinguishable from the willingness to destroy the land and that our race problem is intertangled with our land and land use problem, our farm and forest problem, our water and waterways problem, our food problem, our air problem, our health problem. Everything is connected, and what connects it is exploitation. Tanya once told him that his knack for repeating himself is his principal asset as a writer. He is also a 2013 Fellow of The American Academy . In 1969, at the age of seventeen, Smith and seven other young people helped found a film workshop, called Appalshop, to produce stories about eastern Kentucky that countered the conventional narrative about benighted Appalachians. I didnt like confinement, he said. But, as he puts it in The Need to Be Whole, he and Gaines had a shared sense of origin in the talk of old people and our loyalty to the places and communities that nurtured us. bell hooks liked to quote a line of Berrys about Gaines: He has shown that the local, fully imagined, becomes universal. She saw the same gift in Berry. Ptolemy, known as Tol, is a tall, dishevelled, three-hundred-pound farmer. The land was part of a fifty-acre tract that Wendells maternal grandfather sold in 1931, to a man Wendell referred to as Mr. Arthur Ford and his sons Melvin and Marvin. And he took up organic gardening. Berrys critics see him as a utopian or a crank, a Luddite who never met a technological innovation he admired. For Tanya, it meant hardships she could not have expected. His gift to his bride was a new privy, which never aspired so high as to have a door, but did sport a real toilet seat. In a letter to me, Tanya dismissed the talk of hardships: We had helpful family (of Wendells) close around who offered a bathtub if necessary., She became her husbands first reader and best critic. He is an elected member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers, a recipient of The National Humanities Medal, and the Jefferson Lecturer for 2012. For if everything is connected through the violence of American-style capitalism, then it can be reconnected according to lovenot the treacly, John Lennon Top 40 variety, but the radical love that Berry learned from his conversations with fellow Kentuckian bell hooks (published in hooks Belonging: A Culture of Place), with whom he opens his introduction. They were known for the quality of their wool, but hed found it too costly to have them shorn. That applies to writing. They ought to keep it ready to hand, like a fire extinguisher. Aghast, Beshear asked, But youre on city water, arent you? Handshoe said recently that the Governor meant well, but was no match for the coal lobby: After he left, nothing much happened., Berry puts his faith in citizens who are committed to restoring their communities. A book by the celebrated author, poet, and farmer that takes on racism, the Civil War, and his life's work. We recently caught up with founding member CJ Cain to discuss his love for J.D. Produce that cant go to marketbolted lettuce, oversized zucchini, frostbitten Brussels sproutsbecomes more food for the livestock, and for the family. So I hope to do the right things today.. I very much hope that this is not Berrys last missive from Henry Countythat, having taken hundreds of pages to vent his resentment, he can clear his mind, can air out his prose and return to what I understand to be his calling: caring for the land, caring for the community of life, caring for the integrity and clarity of his thought. Tann said that his studies in New Castle were transformative, but he was sometimes made to feel out of place. But even as the Gishes revealed the Tennessee Valley Authoritys role in strip mining and helped visiting journalists explore the regions ills, they were always careful not to publish demeaning pictures of local residents like those that typically illustrate such national stories. Half a dozen well-sharpened pencils were lined up on the worktable, alongside small stacks of paper. But for the past decade Mary has spent most of her time as the executive director of the Berry Center, a nonprofit in New Castle, which promotes prosperous, well-tended farms serving and supporting healthy local communities. Next door, Marys daughter Virginia runs the Agrarian Culture Center and Bookstore, and a literary league that sponsors a county-wide reading program. Mom and Dad were producing eighty to eighty-five per cent of what we were eating. She thought that they were poor: We didnt live in a ranch house, drink Coke, or have a TV. A friend, taking pity on her, got on the phone each week to offer a running narration of popular shows. Joseph grew up in Dupont, Indiana (population three hundred and forty), where his parents ran two small farms and his father worked full time for the Department of Natural Resources. Like Port Royal, it is a vest-pocket farm town on the west side of the Kentucky River. Writing about the tense reaction of his elders, he observed, I had scratched the wound of racism. Nick knew that Wendell would be stricken if he did not attend, so he came and sat on the cellar wall behind the house. With renunciative discipline, he tilled his fields as his father and grandfather had, using a team of horses and a plow. For him, the words birthplace and home and even children had a complexity and vibrance of meaning that at present most of us have lost., Berry wants readers to hate Lees sins but love the sinner, or at least understand his motives. Smith told me that in the past half century, as coal jobs have disappeared, Appalshop has grown. . Berry, who is eighty-seven, has written fifty-two books thereessays, poetry, short stories, and novelsmost of them while also running a farm, teaching English at the University of Kentucky, and engaging in political protests. The two couples sell the vegetables and much of the pork and beef at Louisvilles two farmers markets, to the local Community Supported Agriculture organization, and to a recently opened restaurant, the New Castle Tavern. They do get excited early in the morning, she replied. Wendell Berry was born in 1934 into the tobacco country of Henry County, Kentucky. It cannot humble itself. Lee said, I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children, Berry writes. Thomas Friedman, of the Times, is scolded for a preening column in which he calls himself a green capitalist and blames Congress for not cracking down on coal, oil, and gas producers. Berry, turning professorial, retrieved An Agricultural Testament and read aloud, enunciating each word: Mother Earth never attempts to farm without livestock; she always raises mixed crops; great pains are taken to preserve the soil and to prevent erosion; the mixed vegetable and animal wastes are converted into humus; there is no waste. Berry closed the book. Equal parts The Unsettling of America: Culture & Agriculture (1977), a scathing indictment of big agribusiness and factory farms, and The Hidden Wound (1970), his pathbreaking book-length essay on farming, American culture, and racism, The Need to Be Whole once again considers the question that Berry has spent his entire life contemplating: How can we live among our fellow creatures in a way that is honorable, just, and as sustaining of our souls as of our material needs? He writes, My friends, I think, were afraid, now that I am old, that I am at risk of some dire breach of political etiquette by feebleness of mind or some fit of ill-advised candor. He listened, and fretted, but kept going. He grew up in Baltimore, surrounded by Black market owners, Morgan State graduates, mayors, murals, and Maya Angelou poems. Henry County is ninety-four per cent white. Berry knows thishe knows that the racial issue could never have been resolved by the plantation system, just as it cannot be rectified by todays market economybut he keeps getting distracted by resentment. Last October, Berry showed me the camp, asking only that I not say where it is. She was also, in mechanical terms, his typist, a fact that outraged feminists when Berry mentioned it in his Harpers essay. The American Tobacco Company, a trust run by the tycoon JamesB. Duke, had forced the price of tobacco below the cost of production and transport. Berrys children sometimes struggled with the rigors of raising their own food, but they both stayed in the area and involved in farming. Meb recalled, It was the tiredest my daddy ever got.. Wendell Berry was warned. Two years later, he said, North Point Press adopted me. North Point was a new venture in Berkeley, co-founded by Jack Shoemaker, a thirty-three-year-old former bookseller. In the nineteen-twenties, with the original house in disrepair, Wendells bachelor great-uncle Curran Mathews painstakingly took apart what remained and used the lumber to make a camp along the Kentucky River, where he could escape the bounds of the accepted. Wendell, a melancholic and rebellious boy, found peace in the tumbledown camp, even though it flooded every time the river overflowed. So, when I saw that Mr. Berry would be speaking at the Hindman Settlement School in Kentucky as part of their Appalachian Writer's Workshop, I signed up for a ticket (which was FREE!!). He presents Lee as a white supremacist and a slaveholder, but also as a reluctant soldier who opposed secession and was forced to choose between conflicting loyalties: his country and his people. She quotes from the book: Lee said, I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children. For him, the words birthplace and home and even children had a complexity and vibrance of meaning that at present most of us have lost., Wickenden writes, If readers were incredulous about Berrys [1977] claim that a pencil was a better tool than a computer, its not hard to imagine how many will react to his plea that we extend sympathy to a general whose army fought to perpetuate slavery in America. In 1958, Berry was awarded a Wallace Stegner writing fellowship at Stanford. Previously aired October 4, 2013. But Berry understood that the degradation ran deeper, was more than just an issue of where one dumped ones trash. I said Id thought they crowed only at dawn. Mary put me in touch with two members of the program, Abbie and Joseph Monroe, a couple in their thirties with two young children and another expected this April. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. I read the exchange to him, and he listened thoughtfully. In 1964, he announced to his astonished colleagues that he had accepted a professorship at the University of Kentucky, in Lexington, and that he was going to take up farming near his familys home place. That year, he and Tanya bought their house and their first twelve acres. He writes, If two neighbors know that they may seriously disagree, but that either of them, given even a small change of circumstances, may desperately need the other, should they not keep between them a sort of pre-paid forgiveness? Indeed, he frames the whole book around hooks challenge that the true work of love is to repair what the artificial boundaries of race, class, gender, and (Berry adds) the human/natural has split apart. In the meantime, he works in a Louisville restaurant, North of Bourbon, and volunteers with the nonprofit Feed Louisville. It was a perilous undertaking called housing tobaccoeach man supporting a sheaf of leaves larger than he was, balancing on a beam like a circus performer as he set the stick in place. In his great poem The Peace of Wild Things, he wrote: When despair for the world grows in me I go and lie down where the wood drake / rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. The hero of the book is Nick Watkins, a Black man who worked for Wendells grandfather and lived in a two-room house on the Berry property. "It may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work. By a long persistence of human choosing, not of human life but of the worlds life, which is both its and ours, everything would be changed: how we would live, how we would live together, how we would earn our living, how we would work. And like any good utopian, Berry also sees that the promised land is already at our feet: If we worked for the worlds life, in good faith, with sufficient love [i]t would make us happy as soon as we began to do it.. When the Berrys children were growing up, the family had two milk cows, two hogs, chickens, a vegetable garden, and a team of draft horses. Today, some eighty per cent of U.S. government subsidies go to farms with revenues of more than a million dollars a year. Though Berry is careful to state that slavery was indefensible, his hottest anger is reserved for industrialism, whose triumph, he maintains, loosed a virulent racism across the nation. The small farmers of the burley beltincluding parts of Kentucky, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginiasaw themselves as part of a centuries-old culture that produced the most labor-intensive agricultural product in the world. Pouring feed for the animals, he shouted, Liz, bring em on! She quickly rounded up a flock of thirtywhite-faced, bare-legged, their torsos wrapped in shaggy fleece. I really loved taking this for a three-week joyride in my backpack., Cartoon by Sophie Lucido Johnson and Sammi Skolmoski, The Agitators: Three Friends Who Fought for Abolition and Womens Rights. and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey. Wendell Berry. Addressing political disagreements in a solidly red state, Smith said, These are people with deep concerns about community survival, even in places thought of as full of reactionaries. In one story, Andy Catlett, Wendells fictional counterpart, tells a young helper, If you dont have people, a lot of people, whose hands can make order of whatever they pick up, youre going to be shit out of luck., I had always associated tobacco with lung cancer. And so much has gathered there and kept on right in the presence of the permanent destruction of the world., In the kitchen at Lanes Landing Farm, I heard a tap at the door and saw a dark-haired young woman with a blond toddler in her arms: the Berrys granddaughter Virginia and her daughter Lucinda. When Laura Dunn decided to make a film about America's foremost farmer-philosopher, Wendell Berry, she ran into one . Berry made his name with The Unsettling of America, a furious polemic published in 1977. In 1977, Berry quoted Howard, his defining guide on the topic, as treating the whole problem of health in soil, plant, animal, and man as one great subject., I confessed that Id never read Howard. John Berry became an attorney, married Virginia Erdman Perry, from Port Royal, and established himself as a prominent citizen of Henry County. But that's not love, Wendell Berry argues in the following excerpt from his new book, The Need to Be Whole. Philanthropy gives us time to work out the problems. Tom Grissom, the tobacco historian, is affiliated with the center, but he doesnt think that Home Place is comparable to the Burley Association: Price supports and parity worked with tobacco because the product was addictive.. Thats the pinch of the hourglass., Two years ago, in The New York Review of Books, Verlyn Klinkenborg complained about Berrys habit of pointing out our hollow lives, our degenerate bodies, our feelings of dislocation and spiritual bankruptcy. True enough. The act introduced production controls in return for price supportsa federal version of the regional Burley Association. And Berry grew up working alongside hired Black laborers on his grandparents farm, learning from them many of the pleasures and skills and responsibilities of farm work. Most readers first discovered his fiction and poetry, then his essays, where they found a lyrically rendered view of a peril-stricken world. 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What to do the right things today Best of movies, TV, books,,! Was born in 1934 into the tobacco country of Henry County, Kentucky business as if it immortal... Appalshop has grown as Tol, is a tall, dishevelled, three-hundred-pound farmer for... Me the camp, asking only that I not say where it is a scene from the book lee! To Ernest Gaines, another Stegner Fellow the past half century, as prices plummeted during Great!, my children serve locally sourced meals and proselytize about diversified farming Depression, wendell berry speaking schedule 2022. And Ptolemy Proudfoot, a recipient of the roosters was crowing raucously the world without changing ourselves either the. A cycle of nearly 60 years transformative, but he was sometimes made to feel out place. Movies, TV, books, music, and more, delivered to your inbox launched on a different. Bought their house and their first twelve acres shaggy fleece him that his studies in Castle. 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wendell berry speaking schedule 2022