neighbour put spikes on shared fence

neighbour put spikes on shared fenceMarch 2023

Good result and congrats for getting rid of the dangerous spikes that should never be used because they are harmful, My neighbour has put up these spikes they are definitely not blunt,as you describe. They could try again and again before they realize what theyre up against and give up. They haven't discussed with me at all, ANYWAY, wall of text done. They are designed to stop cats they wont hurt them the cats will just realise they cant go there. They have likely done this as our cats will pass through their garden from time to time, and often sit on the fence and use it for scratchings. This means that your neighbor (s) have the same rights to the shared fence as you do. WebSpikes are legal to use in most states. Want to see the babieeees. Fast forward to today, neighbors never moved out, and at some point today (I don't know when as I was at work) they have installed plastic spike strips along the length of the fence. Its hardly surprising that you might get confused and not know how to go about it. They'll say the fence is shared or somesuch, you'll say no, it's not on the boundary line, they'll say it is and then boom, off you go. The spike strip looks like a simple thin wooden strip with iron nails sticking out the top, and it runs along the entire length of their backyard and a good bit of ours. Is it illegal to put cat spikes on your fence? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My next door neighbours, two spinster sisters, have put sharp plastic spikes intermittently along the fence surrounding their back garden. Cat spikes have a straightforward design and they can operate in the same way no matter the fixing you use. My My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence Are there spikes on the fence for cats? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence that devides our houses. In most cases, you will be required to apply for council permission. Is it illegal to put carpet grippers on your fence? TBH I'd be going over and telling them to remove them. But it also depends on the location of your fence. (Yes. I also have a garden pond to attract wildlife. Do you do it? Feel free to remove it. Something else to consider is that although you can take them down, the spikes actually belong to your neighbour. While rare, adverse possessionis a legal concept that allows a trespasser sometimes a stranger but more often a neighbor to gain legal title over the land of a property owner. Personal and property safety has become an increasing concern for most people both in residential and industrial settings. ", Rhode Island Code Section 34-10-20 similarly states that: "A fence or other structure in the nature of a fence which unnecessarily exceeds six feet in height and is maliciously erected or maintained for the purpose of annoying the owners or occupants of adjoining property, shall be deemed a private nuisance, and any owner or occupant who is injured, either in the comfort or enjoyment of his or her estate thereby, may have an action to recover damages for the injury.". Bird spikes are very sharp and may harm cats so to deter cats, its best you use blunt cat spikes. In this article, we will be answering some of your questions about cat spikes and why they are such a taboo subject for both owners & non-owners of cats. This subchapter governs adverse possession in Texas, often referred to as "squatter's rights". WebMy Neighbours Hedge Is Overgrown. Also some cities and/or HOAs have shared responsibilty bylaws for fences regardless of who built it. Share This is why you shouldnt set man-traps or hide carpet gripper behind the top edge of your fence! You can actually buy special wire "bird deterrent spikes" (which will also keep animals off) but those also look very strange (and they're expensive). Also, legally, cats are classed as wild animals, not domesticated so theres not a lot of action your neighbour can take legally to stop your cat entering their garden. This is why you shouldnt set man-traps or hide carpet gripper behind the top edge of your fence! Maybe it's a problem you can work together to address. We recommend that you notify your neighbor before installing them on a wall. This is all one piece, instead of having a separate fence and cat- proof overhang. Speak to the owners, put up protection where you can but threatening to murder someones pet? So me and my fiance had new fencing installed for about 400. The mere fact that you think your neighbor's house is painted an ugly color, or the neighbor has built a fence that doesn't match your own aesthetic taste, does not in most instances give you grounds for a lawsuit. The fence is only 46 tall. An article from legal self-help publisher Nolo about how to resolve boundary line disputes. Security of lives and properties is very important. The spikes are possibly there to deter cats, squirrels, and other animals from walking across the top of the fence. The court can do one of three things: Order removal. You can buy them in meter length and are glued or nailed on top of walls & fences ETC. Cat spikes are sharp, rubber spikes stuck to the tops of walls. So, cat spikes may be considered illegal if the spike is installed to hurt the cat and you can be prosecuted. An article from the Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing all the laws passed in 2021 relating to property owners' associations including those related to swimming pool enclosures and security measures. See the resources below for more information on how to resolve these types of disputes. With this in mind, make sure the spikes youre using are made of plastic and arent too sharp to puncture the cats paws. A neighbour has received backlash after attempting to add spikes on one woman's fence in a bid to keep their rabbits safe, but she did not consult the woman beforehand. Would I do anything I could to keep them out? If you live in a busy neighborhood, then youll have to find a way to keep cats away from your yard, because youll have a cat in your yard. If your neighbour removes them it also reduces the chance of you being accused by your neighbour of criminal damage to the spikes. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Have a good day. In my eyes they are dangerous to my kids as the fence is only 4 foot 6 inches high. A TikToker shared that her angry neighbor shined a flashlight into her elderly mother's bedroom. It makes perfect sense because it shows that youre not trying to injure anyone, youre just trying to stop them from climbing your fence. Pet owner tells of horror at security measures but the RSPCA is powerless to act Bristling with a range of sharp spikes and coils of barbed wire, the defences along this suburban garden wall would surely stop the most intrepid cat burglar. (What The Laws Say), How a Virtual Data Room Can Transform Mergers and Purchases. Evidence you might present could include pictures of the fence (to show that it is purposefully ugly), diagrams of its location (to show that it is needlessly tall and blocks light), the timing of its installation (right after an argument between you and your neighbor, which you would hopefully have separate documentation of, such as a text or email or even copies of these you sent to friends describing the situation), or testimony from other neighbors about the surrounding circumstances and motivations (to show that your neighbor dislikes you). Cat spikes are a straightforward design; they are made of plastic but have enough sharpness to make the cat feel uncomfortable and jump down. Spikes are one of the best Intruder deterrents. So youre hating on something for acting according to its nature, not out of malice or evil and yet you say you would deliberately run it over? They also did it all round the rest of their garden and Im not sure they quite realised that one panel is actually ours. Of course if the neighbour puts them in your fence again, I would suspect that they are likely causing criminal damage to your fence. Why you should never put a tall fence around your house? All rights reserved. Cats will stay away from your yard and you dont have to worry about harming them accidentally. 8 Why do we need anti climb fence spikes? As long as the cat is not wounded, any kind of cat spike is legal. That is down to the person driving the car! Cat spikes are considered illegal if it is installed to harm cats. A lawsuit for nuisance is usually limited to circumstances where a neighbor is doing something like playing loud music, for example, disturbing your ability to quietly enjoy your property. I appreciate the comments about cats going toilet in other people's gardens, and I feel guilty that this could be the case, especially as we have a tom who likes to come grace our garden from time to time (and likely the neighbors too). and wants to put spikes on my fence which I refused. He may be happy to take them down if you stop your cat from shitting in his garden. NO! Looking out my back door I have a wall around the left and across the back (there is parking behind the wall) and the fence is to my right. Since cats are free to roam, they can go to your yard, have a poo, and leave. Maybe even ask them if there is a specific reason for the spikes, and if there are any other ways you can help mitigate those reasons without adding spikes to your fence. It;s the first place they head for when I let them out, and seem to use that as their preferred spot. They're usually tall, ugly, or both. There was a recent study about cats that are let outdoors during the day. (Part 1), Texas Fence Law: Open Range.Or Not? Pets are family." Understand the specifics of the legislation concerning fence spikes. While adding metal pigeon spikes or barbed wire to a fence is not against the rule, if a pet cat is injured, these types of cat spikes can become illegal. With that in mind, you must make sure the spikes you are using are plastic and not too sharp that they puncture the cats paws. Since 1876, however, the Texas Legislature has allowed Texas counties to vote on whether to become"closed range". If you dont understand these laws and plan to install cat spikes without getting permission from your neighbor, contact your city council for more details. Also, this article: I stood on one that I took down,and theatre painful. EDIT: Thank you everyone for the comments and guidance. : answers to Texans' everyday legal questions [electronic resource],, State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Service, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Chapter 16, Subchapter B. The notice will give potential climbers/criminals ample warning before they decide to hop on your fence. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. But, keeping these cats out can be more complicated than you think. After this we contacted a solicitor about this and took the neighbour to court over the vet bills (350) and won the case because we had video evidence of the cat jumping up on his fence and cutting his paw! my neighbor wants to put a fence right down the property line. As a result, someone who deliberately injures harms, or kills a cat will face criminal prosecution under the 1971 Criminal Damage Act. This video explains what kind of spikes you should use to deter cats from climbing your fence. Because the fence will benefit both parties, your neighbors might be interested in sharing costs, and the conversation about property lines and fence maintenance will also become much easier. You cannot complain to the council if your neighbours cat keeps pooing in your garden, even with video evidence! They could try a few times before realizing what theyre up against and giving up. Cats have great memories and will not come back to the same place twice if they find it uncomfortable or painful. It will also stop any claims for compensation if some fool happens to jump your fence and injure themselves. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. My neighbour has just put sharp plastic spikes on the fence that devides our houses. Im not suggesting you are intending to damage them but it more or less rules out any possibility of that sort of escalation. My Neighbor Has Too Many Cars: What To Do? How to Market Your Business with Webinars. As David Bowie sang This is not America. Start by asking them to remove it. They did. California Civil Code Section 841.4 is an example of one such statute, stating that: "Any fence or other structure in the nature of a fence unnecessarily exceeding 10 feet in height maliciously erected or maintained for the purpose of annoying the owner or occupant of adjoining property is a private nuisance. The same rule applies for wanting a taller fence though, want a taller fence = apply for planning permission. See the resources below for more information. If anyone was injured on the cat spikes, they might not want to be held responsible. If your neighbours hedge is growing in width and encroaching on your space, you are entitled to trim any part of it that crosses your boundary. Just be careful how your approach this. Bird poop may be splattering or otherwise be visible on their side of the fence. 279 Posts. T really annoys me too when I see meter, I want to ask Would that be a gas meter or electric meter?. My Neighbor Keeps Using My Washer and Dryer: What to Do? Although we are not saying that this is a simple or quick solution to the problem of cats fouling in your yard, it may allow the council to approach the owner directly, who may have more clout than your appeal alone. (And Wind Chimes). Initially I was furious. A woman has been left feeling baffled after her neighbour tried to put spikes on the top of her fence, without asking first - and now it's caused tension between them Who Can Claim Property Based on Adverse Possession in Texas? The fence is only 46 tall. If they refuse, then you send them a polite, firm, letter by certified mail notifying them that they have X days to remove the spikes, at which time you will do so. Stay clear of Mother Nature. However, holding these cats out is more difficult than you would expect. You can buy them in meter length and are glued or nailed on top of walls & fences ETC. Fuckng hate cats. The average cost of installing a fence is around 100 per panel according to MyBuilder. We had a big fall out and was told by the council that it was Ok for him to do this. If not they may not even be aware the fence belongs to you, if it is in the line. 7 Is it legal for neighbours to put cat spikes along fence? See the resources below as well as our Livestock guide for more information. I've even seen rats walking along the tops of fences! Is it legal for neighbours to put cat spikes along fence? Installing cat spikes is a straight-forward process. Last summer my 4 year old grandson went into the bushes in my garden to retrieve his ball. How do you know it was cat poo, they normally bury it. Yes as soon as the spikes become a danger then they are basically illegal. To stay above the law, you MUST only use blunt plastic spikes that will only make the cat feel uncomfortable. Unless these folks are loony tunes, it probably won't go past step one. "If your neighbor threatened to harm your cat you should absolutely call the police," reads a reply by u/sphericalhorses. So when he jumped down from the shed, he hit his chin on the spikes. Maybe you should ask your cats to stay out of his garden. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home, Homeowners: Taxes, Improvements, and More, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Beyond simply talking to this neighbor, who, judging by the quality of the spikes, may very well be crazy, what can I do? Down to the millimeter. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I dont think theyre supposed to be cat spikes because although we do have a cat he has never gone over to that part of the yard. So also, todays legislation does not support the use of broken glass as an intruder deterrent. 2.) If spikes have been installed along a linear boundary, such as a wall or fence, then it should be ensured that signs are presented every 3 metres or less, to make certain they will be seen. Came to discuss with the neighbors about splitting the cost and they suggested that they weren't bothered about paying anything towards it as they are planning on selling and moving anyway. Of course if the neighbour puts them in your fence again, I would suspect that they are likely causing criminal damage to your fence. Adding trellis to your fence not only keeps burglars away but also makes your fence look more attractive and unique. WebDividing Fences Act. The spikes are in strips of about 5cm long and theyve placed them on either side of the concrete posts holding the fence up with big gaps in between. Do you have an HoA? If so, what will they then do in return? If your neighbor constructs a spite fence, possibly making the neighborhood look terrible and calling attention to the property, what should you do? See ourMunicipal Laws and Ordinancespage for assistance locating your local laws. (Yes. Spikes may not be needed for most residential fences except fences on street frontages. Although we are not recommending that you go to those lengths, please exercise discretion when working with other peoples pets and note that they are only behaving in a normal manner. In other words, the fence is the symptom, not the disease. Cat spikes are hard plastic spikes that can be nailed on top of fences and walls, the strips are around 20/30 mm wide. Texas residents can register for a library account online! One cat was limping last night. Cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy about the spikes being installed on shared fences. Texas law places the burden of proof to establish a claim of adverse possession on the trespasser. Recently, we no longer see walls or fences topped with broken glass but we do see fence spikes, barbed wires, and other precautions which comply with existing laws. The neighbor also threatened to harm the animal when he confronted the pet owner, who later shared the dispute online, reports Mirror. Make sure you check with your local council before doing any work because regulations cover fences and security toppings. Piece, instead of having a separate fence and injure themselves that it was Ok for him to do operate. Uncomfortable or painful call the police, '' reads a reply by.. Of disputes the burden of proof to establish a claim of adverse possession in Texas, often referred as. The cat spikes can also cause problems with neighbours that are unhappy the. 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neighbour put spikes on shared fence