general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

general stewart ship 1950 passenger listMarch 2023

Girls marching on country road, picking plums. Young salesgirl/vendor sells something on the street. INTs, factory. Massive crowds of bystanders. TRIMS. CU of elevator in operation going down to mine shaft, workers exit elevator into mine. VS, at various angles. Two school boys in their uniforms pass by and pretend to be frightened. House & Garden, Better Homes and Garden, and Good Housekeeping magazines. In staff lounge, men play games, look at books, read newspaper. INT, VS, young men at a large cafeterias style table, eating,drinking and horsing around. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. Building under construction in Warsaw, the sign reads: "Dzwigi Bracia Jenike" and another "Felzytyn Skalenit" Shop window with female mannequins. Julien Bryan with Apolonia and village children distributing contents of a CARE package. Goosestepping. CU man. CUs, photographs of current events. Passenger Mr. Panton and family. CUs, Waclawa with her grandson, looking at a family photo album. Peasant and cart. 01:10:05:25 A young priest is present as well. INT church with crowd of seated academics. A man reading. Boys. EXT, CU, dockworkers at lumberyard at port of Gdynia. RM KMJPB0 - 1950s, historical, passengers and officers aboard a Union-Castle mail ship in mid-ocean playing a game of deck cricket. 01:12:21 Scenes of city life, we are now on the outskirts of Warsaw - the trolley pulls up to the station, the sign on the front of the trolley reads "Destination: Dworska". A woman in a scarf in MCU appears briefly in the frame; more mountains. Digging for pipeline, wheelbarrows, calisthenics. Young people admire the view. Re: I would like to find information on my parent’s immigration here to the US. Construction. **, VS, scenes of rural village life in the central Polish region of Katowice, circa 1937. Dining outside. EXT, VS, a new schoolhouse in Lowicz, Poland, scenes in the schoolyard, children playing. A baby carriage remains perched precariously on the edge of a bomb induced crater on the hospital grounds. Newspaper. 01:07:20 Horse and carriage, EXT palace (Potsdam? A woman walks past, puts her head down, and pays no attention. A priest walks through the rubble outside the church. They are piling chairs, pictures of the Madonna, plates, etc, outside on the ground. Man holding a cane enters and talks to the attendant. A quick series of trims featuring zinc mines in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region). Wooden crosses flanked with miniature Polish flags and flowers. EXT, VS, M. Finkelstein's haberdashery in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, Poland. 01:07:22 Two official men stand at a microphone next to the train and read from papers, a crowd listens. Munich? and our loyal RootsWeb community. VS of men and women performing folk dances, mainly circle dances. Peasants/farmers shovel and load hay. Snow in Zakopane. Research family history relating to the Holocaust and explore the Museum's collections about individual survivors and victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution. Children walk to school. High shot of open jeep with people entering a village, boys performing a drill, woman doing laundry in her yard, bucolic mountains, and three pedestrians. A train with bars of coal drives by. at the port as they get on board the ship. A very brief sequence in an unidentified prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. LS of the countryside, river reflecting the trees and winding along calmly. The couple frolick in the countryside. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). INTs, women work at sewing machines. Route: Quebec to Liverpool via Greenock. Departing New York 7 December, she sailed via the Suez Canal to India where she arrived Karachi 28 December to embark 3,300 returning veterans. A statue of a man on a horse in the distance. Young girl on the street asking for directions from Orthodox Jewish men. Partner Sites Indexing Multiple Databases, Immigration Records by Ethnic, Nationality, Political, Religious, or Socioeconomic Groups, National Archives and Records Administration. Storefronts. EXT, glass building. CU, map of Yugoslavia. Children climbing on pile of rubble. Cows pass a barn. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device Signpost: "Wilhelmplatz" and "Wilhelmstrasse." Garments hang and rotate from mirror panels on a wall. Ceremony continues in the courtyard with President Moscicki, there is a bust of Pilsudski on a pedestal on the red carpet. The Germans deliberately chose this day to set the Jewish quarter on fire, burning and destroying more than 20 full city blocks. 01:05:45 "Zur Jugendherbergs Ausstellung" sign. Three men looking at architectural drawing of a shelled building, pointing to destruction in BG. One with guitar. Cut to young girls playing ball in the courtyard. The Venezuelan mission representative locates Venezuela on a large map of South America for the family, as they look on and ask questions. MS of a destroyed houseboat along the river. Reconstruction of Warsaw from a moving vehicle. VAR views of schoolchildren walking along the sidewalk and playing at school. The refugees speak to each other, to the IRO staff that are helping them, and to the camera. Associate producer Eugene Cenkalski Quick cut to the village people in church (ends abruptly). MS, Apolonia Wiktorzak, who was photographed in 1939 holding a loaf of bread, now 65 years old (Photo Archives W/S 47371). Uniforms/gear on street. Market, Barbican stairs, crowded square and church. Search the searchable database 1865 - 1883 The 1831-1865 records are not online but can be consulted at the Ontario Archives Farming, digging potatoes, raking hay. Church spires visible far off in the distance. In Gdansk (Danzig), destroyed buildings, Deutschebank, streets with ruined buildings. Baby in carriage. The two representatives answer questions from the group, made up mostly of young men, and a few young women. 01:13:39 LS freight train, railroad tracks around mountainside. Men meet in a large room, smoke and review papers. Building rubble. Directed by Karl Sztollar (15:25) Young man picks up cans from a windowsill. MCU people look at the camera as they board a street car. Everyone seems very happy, even the children, some have looks of bewilderment on their faces. . MS of another shop window displaying proudly military regalia and photos of Polish leaders. Cut to group of young school children touring the medieval city wall of Krakow. Building construction. Several women gathered together on the road, closeups. EXT shots of the YMCA building in Prague (called YMKA in Polish). 01:21:09 Sequence of Goldschmidt School, showing Margot at the blackboard writing Hebrew with her teacher, Margot Segall slides board up. VS, CUs of a brochure for the Goldschmidt Jewish School in Berlin, Germany. Balbina Szymanska (mother of the twins killed on September 5, 1944) with her husband and children standing on a pile of ruins in Warsaw, some with JB. 2:22 Young people having a picnic beside their car. Austrian civilians gather to look at the window displays featuring information about industry and farming in the US. Most of the girls have their backs to the camera. Fires, church destruction, priests, relics, etc. Large group of young women on an outing, all are wearing overcoats and berets, VS of new building construction, Julien Bryan's notes mention shots of the Parliament building and the higher army court; an open truck full of men in suits drives up to this new building, they all go inside. Honor guard with bayonets approaches mausoleum, with six large fluted columns. CUs, lens, laborers, on lunch break, polishing, inserting film into camera. Quick shot of "Fryzjer" [barber] sign, followed by ruins of Warsaw, shells of buildings. Men on scaffolding. Workers leave mill through gates. [5], In 1981 Mission Viking was transferred to Manufacturers Hanover Leasing Corp. of Panama. Images are slightly underexposed due to the fact that filming was done in low light in an underground mine. INT, children in the classroom learning geography; pictures of buildings/bombing they drew. One women is dressed in contemporary, Western-style clothing, a camel hair coat and felt hat. His footage appeared in March of Time theatrical newsreels. Outdoor caf - Kranzler. M.S. More slates and different farming machinery. Two children on city street walk toward camera. HJ, motorcycle. Landscape with ploughed fields, oxen and cart. 01:00:53:14, MS, Warszawa, Poland, old town square, horse drawn carriage, pedestrians, stop sign, street lamp. 01:14:50:13 The parade review stand, dignitaries, both military and civilian, hob-knob with each other at the review stand, high ranking Catholic church officials are in attendance, particularly Cardinal August Hlond, the Prelate of Poland, known for making antisemitic pronouncements, who called for a boycott of Jewish shops in Poland as early as 1935, after the death of Jozef Pilsudski. VS: Berlin, Germany: public telephone booth, ornate facade of building in BG. CU of someone holding the newspaper DER STUERMER, featuring Anti-Semitic propaganda and caricatures of Jews on the front page. Capitol building. Shots of city plaza, facade of modern building. Several good CUs of the faces of the workers, the raw zinc ore, machinery, etc. Two rabbis put away Torah scrolls and pull a curtain with an embroidered Star of David closed. VAR CUs of Poles gathered around Bryan. Horse drawn wagons move along a dirt road, an orthodox priest in dark vestments walks along the same road. MCU of a group of elderly men from the village talking and smoking. VS: reconstruction of buildings in Prague. 01:13:05 A funeral procession through the streets of Warsaw. Men read newspaper board. People look out "window" in shelled building, woman with a water pail, children playing in ruins, geese, Julien Bryan's car, ruins located adjacent to the river, children playing games. MLS three young children in the street, walking toward the camera, they smile, continue walking until they are out of frame, then the camera captures them from behind, continuing their walk through the barren streets of the destroyed city of Warsaw. Woman turns on their radio, grabs the sunglasses of her companion, and stands. EXT, building. Re: When did Leroy Dice Gainey enter the US? Students serve lunch to the rest of the class. Stewart, Glasgow, renamed Loch Gair, 12 Mar 1908 ran ashore 4 nautical miles (7.4km) from the coast, in Richard's Bay near the Umhlatuzi River, South Africa, 1914 captured by Britain Food on board ship appears to have been plentiful and the more so for the first class passengers but even the third class passengers would not have starved with . Polish soldiers stand guard; civilians come up to them and question them. Earlier records may include a full name, age, gender, occupation, nationality, intended destination (country), name of ship and date of arrival. Several ornate bas-relief designs in the building's facade, and a stepped, curved roof with ceramic tiles. Troops with rifles and packs goosestep to monument. Hitler posters. INT, MS, IRO refugee processing center. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. Play sequence continues until 01:12:47:00 where the subject shifts to scenes of the rural countryside, the camera pans landscape: establishing shots, subject returns to children on the river playing and pretending to be sword fighters. VS of the new mothers and newborns. INTs, Leica factory, various shots. Very lively, footage. Several CUs of destroyed pieces of equipment being inspected by the group of men, a CU of a piece of cloth from the parachute seen earlier in this sequence at 01:03:07:28: revealing some marking and possibly a date of manufacture- difficult to make this out very well on screen. Re: I'm looking for incoming 1904 passenger lists for SS Switzerland, Find answers to your research questions at, How to File a FOIA Request for Archival Records. Return to Krakow, old market square in front of the synagogue with the chicken vendor. VS of the streets and architecture of the city of Gdynia, picturesque shots of the boats on the sea and the canals that flow through the city. Metal is being cast, shots of the molten metal. Ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe at night. HJ boys looking at NS propaganda postcards. Young boys in an indoor pool. Gdynia, ships loading and unloading at the port, pier 23. Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. More shots of babies born around the time of the siege, including a shot of twin boys. Construction, Nazi flags in BG. "Luther-Haus" civilians. HAS, policeman directing traffic (pedestrians, automobiles, trams, horse/buggy) with Warsaw in the distance. Civilians reading "Reichsnaehrstand" poster. Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. Man standing under a tree near a phone booth. 01:20:44 A woman sells Polish flags with the eagle crest insignia. She finds them a different magazine and the boys thank her. Farm scenes. The street is busy with people. Bremerhaven, Germany: CU of Julien Bryan's name written in chalk on the side of a railcar, he used this as his camera slate. They gather around a table with two IRO representatives, one who represents the Venezuelan mission, the other who is a medical doctor, responsible for documenting the health of the migrs. ECU of elderly women with headscarf. More shots inside the mine, the cars full of zinc ore, etc. This footage has obviously been staged for the camera. The owners, however, insisted that because the vessel was licensed with the Coast Guard and the work performed was done by crew members, that the Coast Guard, and not OSHA, had authority over the vessel's operations. Flag of the Netherlands. WS smoke stacks, factory. 01:03:17:07: Several residents of the neighborhood come out to look at the wreckage: men, women and children survey the scene now along with the soldiers. Several of the men are wearing armbands. Wide views of the train station. INT classroom. Children playing in the snow in Russia, exact location needs to be verified. Workers gathered around car. Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. The GALILEO was a 2,990 gross ton ship, length 350.7ft x beam 41.2ft, one funnel, two masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed of 12 knots. SS New Australia - 1949 & SS Arkadia - 1958 - built as the Monarch of Bermuda in 1931. Woman selling nuts at market, smiling at camera, pigs, potatoes at market. CU of a brick oven that remained intact. Elaborate Russian Orthodox church. This page has been viewed 214,344 times (45,122 via redirect). MLS, a farming family in the field, in the BG a Gothic looking church. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948. This scene was shot in the Pancraz prison in Prague postwar. Skyscrapers. Poignant shot of two little boys, one little girl, and one woman with her head bandaged holding an infant in her arms sitting on the street surrounded by rubble, the children are barefoot, and they look frightened and confused. Art, caricatures. CUs, posters. In Krakow, MCU young boys with caps with the number "21" walking in unison and looking at the camera. Ship - General Black. VS of the mine and refinery, the machinery in operation inside the refinery: ovens, molten metals, the workers stoking the furnaces, etc. Daily life in the Jewish quarter or Krakow. Shop window in Warsaw during the arrival of Smigly Rydz. DPs walk under a sign banner that reads "Church World Service Language Institute". HAS, military parade. This particular compilation of trims may have been compiled for screening at one of Bryan's public lectures. Crowd at Nazi party rally in stadium. 76-5155", Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,, This page was last edited on 28 May 2022, at 08:32. MLS of a group of barefoot children being lead through the rubble-filled streets by young women. LS of the famous castle, shot of a small boat letting in along the Vistula River, LS of two women walking across the courtyard of an unidentified building. A woman pours tea. Reel 3A 01:04:54:00 Workers leave the factory on their bikes; large engines turn inside the factory. TRIMS. Series of sequences with Mrs. Waclawa Ladziak, her daughter Janina, her son-in-law Eugeniusz Motyka, and her 3 year old grandson. The sequence plays in slow motion. People fill the sidewalks. CU audience. Inside the classroom, English lessons in progress, female teacher. Reel 3A JB shows a crowd his "Siege" book, next to his automobile. Children play soccer on a snowy field. TRIMS not connected by subject matter. The classes are co-ed. Men seen through an open window. New York Harbor, new arrivals to America. Nazi party rally at Nuremberg, pan of stadium, regiments already assembled on the field; more still entering, an injured man is carried away on a stretcher. A group of adolescent girls walk along the street toward the church, a wooden cart without a horse is parked along the road. EXT, LS, DP camp Ebelsberg in Linz, Austria. Silhouette of farm machinery at sunset. RM RP189A - 1950s, a lady passenger travelling on a Union-castle steamship talking to a uniformed ship's officer at the information desk or inquiry bureau. Mining coal, Ford tower in BG. Town streets. Entire clip intercut with titles, beginning with "Education in Germany today". Men rebuild road, rock-filled street. Quick shot of a bridge over the Vistula River. CUs of the religious Hasidic men talking and walking around the quarter; VS of one of the men putting his hands in front of his face, VS of people looking suspiciously at the camera, an angry passersby. Officers push back some of the crowds-the lines are extremely long. This scene cuts out before we enter the cemetery. Men stop and read sign, then enter the building. Folk dancing scenes are shot at a faster speed than usual, and therefore the image is slowed down considerably. MCU of the regiments in full dress marching through the streets, traveling shot, slightly out of focus. Open car full of young people driving on a winding road through the hills. MSs, CUs children boarding ship. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. MCU, three people looking in the window of a bookstore. HJ motorbike. MS, castle of Polish kings (Wawel) in Krakow, closer view of tourists. A farm village, horses generate electricity for cutting hay. TRIMS beginning with a quick glimpse of store fronts in the Jewish quarter in Krakow. The subject shifts to a different scene: MLS, following a man in the woods, out to hunt birds with his rifle over his shoulder, camera pans up to bird's nest. Between 1935 and 1938, he captured unique records of ordinary people and life in Nazi Germany and in Poland, including Jewish areas of Warsaw and Krakow and anti-Jewish signs in Germany. Audience stands for refreshments. WS, CWS campus. The workers leave the refinery, and head off to the church. How To Find Shipping and Immigration Records CU of tram stop at 01:13:03:15: "PRZYSTANEK TRAMWAJOW MIEJSKICH" Inside the street car, passengers look out window, read, etc. 01:05:57 Germans gathered on street, looking off screen. Commander: Captain E. A. Shergold. CU streetlight illuminating. Genealogy Centre Contact Details Irish Family History Foundation Cana House Farnham Street Cavan Co. Cavan Email: MS, Crowds assembled along the street. Hot piece of zinc in a furnace (the refinery in Katowice), zinc plates being made. CU, girl's drawing. CUs of women crying over the graves. A crowd surrounds a vehicle. CU molten zinc being smelted in a furnace at the Giesche Mine and Refinery in Katowice. 1939, but she taken over by the Royal Navy as the HMS Archer, later became the M.S. Camera pans, but it is difficult to make out the shadows, at 01:16:45:14 there is a more vivid shot of the flames, illuminating a street lamp. (Building is the one JB photographed in 1939 with sandbags and "Wagonslits" sign in Photo Archives W/S 47396). Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. Cut to MCU of the statue, then to a LS of the deserted banks of the river, train tracks run directly along the river banks, and there are empty, open-topped train cars. If the viewer looks closely they can make out the outlines and shadows of the inhabitants of the Jewish quarter in bucket brigades in the foreground of these shots trying to save their homes, their lives, and their livelihoods. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. 6:19 EXT A seated middle-aged woman reads a book. MS, traveling from a streetcar in Warsaw. Several CUs of crates bearing the names of individuals and their final destinations. END of Reel 1 - writing on film leader indicates Reel 2 begins. CU of a loaf of bread in a woman's hands. Geo-political lecture on hillside in Bavarian Alps. People disembark the train in what seems to be a deserted field. TRIMS feature a range of MCUs and CUs of locals in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region) in 1936. More buses, cars, street vendors, etc. Men shovel into the fire. Patrons dancing on a revolving stage, lively scenes of musicians and patrons enjoying themselves for the evening. Street scenes in Warsaw- MS of a black man talking to another man on the street- in a shopping district. U.S. Crowd of people stand around a building looking at news. She then departed San Francisco 26 June for Atlantic operations. MS main marketplace. Coal. Boys swim and play around, file into a locker room. The microfilm copies of the passenger lists from 1865 to 1935 were transferred to LAC by Citizenship and Immigration Canada in four groups: the 1865-1900 records in 1971, the 1900-1908 records in 1980, the 1908-1918 records in 1984, and the 1919-1935 records in 1997. BDM girls exercising in a circle, running, and practicing the javelin throw. EXT Eleanor Roosevelt walking with academics, wearing hood and holding wreath and piece of paper. Paintings and sculptures located on the west and south walls of Room 3 are also shown. INT, classroom, a priest lectures to boys and girls seated at desks. The funicular travels over the village- a few shots of villagers below, then more snow and mountains. INTs, spectators looking at exhibitions, tires. VS from inside the trolley car panning the street scene outside. AUSTRALIA: Passenger List SS General Stewart 1948 Journal by allycat Immigrant ships transcribers guild - WWII refugees to Australia *Latvian *Lithuanian *Estonian *Yugoslavian *Polish *Ukrainian Surnames: LOCMELIS LOKYS LUND MAKSIMOVICH MASKOWIC METRIKAS MIHAJLOVICH MILERAITIS MILOVCHEVICH MRDJA MURDS MUSINSKIS NEDELJKOVICH NESCOVIC NINCIC OSINS Quick shots of passengers boarding the trains: men, women, and some teenage boys, all are well dressed, some carry parcels, in one shot a conductor is visible in the background and two adolescent boys board the train in the foreground. INFORMATION CENTER'' building with people standing out front. 01:12:27:15 LS, soldiers on horseback appear seemingly out of nowhere on a vast expanse of plane, they ride out of frame, and then we see a CU of a tank moving across some brush, MS, soldiers on horseback crossing a river or stream. with shells of buildings. Coat of arms of Austria. New housing in Warsaw. CUs of graves. Young boys dragging a chair, down the street scene outside hot piece of zinc ore, etc and! Of MCUs and CUs of locals in Katowice, circa 1937 men, head. Education in Germany today '' Holocaust and explore the Museum 's collections about individual and... On street, looking off screen, crowd saluting field, in 1981 mission Viking was transferred Manufacturers. Girl on the street- in a furnace at the Shapell Center photo album frame! In Germany today '' the church a German air attack over Warsaw disembark the train what. With a quick glimpse of store fronts in the central Polish region Katowice! 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general stewart ship 1950 passenger list