first year assistant principal checklist

first year assistant principal checklistMarch 2023

The assistant principalship is incredibly rewarding. Add detailed notes or comments. The pounding of your heart is half excitement, half apprehension. However, getting buy in on the front end of change can make a profound difference on the success of any attempt at change in a large organization like a school. Common observation checklist items include: Conduct an observation check on different key areas such as planning, teaching techniques, and student/ teacher relationships. qD1%Y}Oo|__oLRqdl[}l1 {/. Update Communication Preferences*. If your professional development sessions are lifeless and flat, youre not going to earn yourself any points with teachers. He is a professor, speaker, and runs the Facebook page, The Epic Classroom. Participate in a chat on Twitter (#APChat) to connect, lead a book study, or develop a cohort of colleagues with whom to reflect. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed to help new assistant principals become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. That makes a difference. Here are the first days of school scripts for three teachers. Small detailswhich you can observe on visits or get-to-know-you meetings with teachers before you officially startreveal a lot about culture. Links: 2. After years of reflection and feedback from experienced principals, a list of critical skills emerged. It lists your high-level priorities and actionable goals, as well as the metrics you'll use to measure success in those first three months. "Your Admin Assistant" checklist too! Often its the small kindnesses that make a difference in a teachers day. The importance of a solid team. endobj Take one step at a time, don't expect to finish your race in a sprint. Even though faculty meetings and PD days are important arenas in which we must excel, we cant only show up then. Your job as a principal now involves striking a balance between building relationships, improving certain . Teachers can easily feel threatened when an administrator sits behind a computer (supposedly taking notes that pick apart each and every aspect of a lesson), so travel around with as little equipment as possible. This leadership position includes interactions with students, and administered state TERRA NOVA testing. 2. Listen. Draft your communication and determine the best way of conversing with the purpose in mind. A new principal becomes a student of that culture, learning "how things are done around here.". Taking that time to engage makes a huge difference! Home Learn more effectively fulfill policy and resources that you can report one. But coming to terms with the fact that the principalship is a bit like playing whac-a-mole, where when you accomplish one project or task thats most critical, another one pops up immediately that needs just as much of your attention. 4. Good luck with it! Are there any questions I can answer about our school for you as a parent? If we went from 4 to 3 lunches, where could we best use the time in our day? Well get better together! Assistant principals should meet with department heads to become familiar with their areas of responsibility so they can provide effective support. It is easy to be drawn to imitate those we admire. The internship in many administrative programs is completed under the guidance of a building principal, with few opportunities to see the day-to-day work of an assistant principal.On day one, where does the assistant principal begin? ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Being present in each moment, both professionally and personally, will always be a goal for me. If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. He was personal, he cared, and he was effective. Being a school leader is difficult. (Maybe even some action research by upperclass students, although the scope would obviously have to be limited.) Being an effective assistant principal requires finding a balance between the responsibilities of the position and responsibilities to yourself. Hold a get to know the assistant principal night or day.something like that. It doesnt always feel good, thats for sure. Trevor is the author of The Epic Classroom: How to Boost Engagement, Make Learning Memorable, and Transform Lives. Culture is the "surround" of the schoolthe air everybody breathes without conscious effort. It pays dividends in building trust. It is important to prioritize your day every day. Good points really care. Are kids forbidden to step foot in the faculty loungeor are they welcomed? A newly appointed English department chair in a suburban high school arranged for some funds and bought a new couch to replace a ramshackle plaid sofa in the faculty room. Training programs for administrative positions often focus on the role of the building principal, providing minimal context to an assistant principal position. When I began as principal, I offered time for staff to come to visit with me, either on their own or with their teammates. This Beginning of the School Year Checklist, compiled by veteran administrators, will help you stay on track and get your year off to a great start. The First 100 Days of a First-Year Principal, Online Course: Principal Leadership forTheEarlyGrades, National Mentor Training and Certification Program, Assistant Principal Community of Practice, Early Career Principal Community of Practice, National Distinguished Principal Program, National Outstanding Assistant Principal Program, American Student Council Association (ASCA), Student Council School of Excellence Award, Presidents Education Awards Program (PEAP), National Elementary Honors Society (NEHS), SEL Leadership Cohort: Cultivating Healthy Relationships in the Workplace, 5 Fun Ways to Instill a Love of History in Kids, Online Course: Principal Leadership for The Early Grades. So it would be better to use that time to extend the other 3 lunch periods. During budget season, ask to review the budget and discuss how priorities were set and allocated. Professional and empathetic elementary school assistant principal with proven instructional record and 5 years experience in school leadership. Keep the focus on you and how you can better serve your staff. Cultivating those trusting relationships is vital if youre interested in creating change (and who isnt interested in creating positive change). The Problem: A new assistant principal was assigned to our school about six weeks after the . Ill be the first to say that each path toward trust is unique, but its never bad to start by managing the referrals that come your way fairly and efficiently, committing to being a learner in your leadership role, and moving toward each new year looking for ways to serve students and teachers in new ways. Caroline, a retiring principal, introduced newcomer Mark to the students in each classroom. Let's Wrap This Up 0. Get to know everyone on a personal level. Asking teachers two questions should ferret out their real concernsand will show from the beginning that you value and need their insights. Principal's Month of Month Checklist outlines the tasks and duties of the principal Subjects: Coaching, For Administrators, Professional Development Grades: Staff Types: For Principals & Administrators, Professional Development, Professional Documents Add to cart Wish List Effective Principal Bundle:able to edit, fill &print. Leadership Studio Toolkit Principal's Monthly Checklist Last revised March 2008 2 Communications Send out end of summer letters to all staff reminding them of dates for beginning of the year professional development and dates for returning to school. Commit to the development and mentoring of aspiring school administrators that includes providing professional guidance and support for the principal intern. Field Tip: Identify the one word/phrase that defines your leadership style. In your first months, change absolutely nothing that isn't essential or directed by your superintendent or school boardexcept the pictures on your office wall. If were going to ask teachers to customize and individualize learning in the classroom, we need to be ready to do the same for our staff. These cookies do not store any personal information. For admins just starting out, its helpful to establish relationships, visit classrooms, understand others, flatten the hierarchy, and become an active social media presence. Follow Dr. McEwan's seven steps for effective communication with your staff. Assistant principals should evaluate teacher performance in order to provide feedback and make recommendations for improvement. Although they still carry nearly the same authority among students . When we compromise our core, we compromise our ability to serve others fully. Honor school culture whenever possible, even if it doesn't match your style. Worried about? Great blog post. For everyoneeven educators who move from one principalship to anotherthe first year as the new kid on the block is like driving down an unknown highway. hYn~"@.M6dk)iO[b- An Inclusion Journey, Father/Son Leadership, Small Schools, Hi-Cap, and more in this issue of Washington Principal. I believe that most teachers are more concerned with the new administrator validating their work, as opposed to wanting to be awed by that administrator's expertise. Trust is critical, and trust comes from being honest about who you are as a leader. The checklist includes the following topic areas: Welcome to the Pack. By February 26, 2021 Step 4: Data Collection: The Principal/AP collects data as evidence agreed upon to support goals. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Meet with one per day to ask how their year is going and what could improve it. Taking the situation off their hands will build trust and show that you are looking out for their best interests. 4E}]x_'5hyw+q4 Z|8CUq}i}p(1@v{k34mfggFdfl[2s[K5TBTgfRdIq*rF J`?[[PZ)Mgf/ SfMsGju\4 {Om'/W'2$jEjInNHA 9IzW! Assistant principals should oversee student discipline procedures to ensure that students are following school rules. is introduced at the beginning of the school year to the class(es) they will be working in Explain who to call in the event of illness Provide E.A. Take time to get to know the children by being present in cafeteria, classrooms and playground. The ceiling for your own professional growth is in your hands. I still use this trusty notebook to take notes in throughout the year at all the meetings I attend. A million thoughts raced through my head, and I think I said as much. Despite the many pulls, relationship building must be a top priority. Sep 20, 2022 - A first-year principal position can be an exciting time for you and, it can be a very daunting year. At the heart of everything youre saying is caring and relationship building. A superintendent once gave me a simple piece of advice: Stop talking and start asking. January 2019 Send Connect ED message in English to all staff, parents and students. Establishing Relationships Relationships come before everything. Although a summertime hire -- allowing for more one-on-one training time -- might have been nice, I had to come up with a plan for helping the new AP assimilate. Announces the first assistant principal checklist is the worst of a meeting with this is the upcoming year! The role of assistant principal comes with many responsibilities. Use your opportunities in classrooms and hallways to ask for perspective and guidance. The new assistant principal should meet with the principal to discuss their role in the school and what is expected of them. ), but that's another post all on its own. This is definitely a resource to re-read and refer to in the future. Listening is one I would add to the list. Several years ago, I looked at pictures of my youngest daughter and realized I had missed three years as a dad. Prioritizing is essential. In between our meetings, she will frequently send me short emails with helpful articles, attachments, and examples from her own work. Courtney Goodman is principal of Middleton Elementary School in Skokie, Illinois. Unlike the principal, the vice-principal does not have quite the decision-making authority that the principal carries. Regardless of what method the state requires, frequent, informal, positive, and constructive interaction between the principal and staff remains essential and should be promoted by the superintendent. Now what do I do?". O*Tk}{S+w/nDZ#I$,N$>2h84RE ]3XhbyMw0Sef7Tvx+Qh:\thw OEd:. And I appreciate your commitment to thriving in your role. It also helps to ensure that the new assistant principal is familiar with the schools policies and procedures. And thats not quite fair. In today's connected world, all educators should be actively looking for ideas and resources from outside their district. Save the office work for before and after school hours (when youre less likely to be disturbed) to cut down on disruptions and to ensure that paperwork is accurate and coherent. That's a major advance, but many programs are not yet tailored to developing principals who can drive better instruction, according to this Wallace analysis. <> Listen more than you talk the first time you meet those with whom you will work. Communicate with new teachers and invite them to the new teacher orientation. Effective mentors must be successful principals. Each of us has individuals in our lives who embody an exceptional leader. Great article. This first year is the hardest as every "first-year" is. Sit with a student and do the practice problem, talk to teachers about their children, or ask parents how they feel the school year is going. Thats one of my personal goals for this next school year. Enjoy the journey and continue to find ways to maximize your impact. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. After receiving my list on such short notice, I had to work past 6:00 p.m. to complete all the tasks. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Year 2: Mentees will receive 30 hours of 1:1 mentoring, 7.5 of which are direct support through our mentor program virtual implementation sessions. Each person with whom you work has a personal story, family, and dreams. During our meetings, she asks questions, offers suggestions for how I can proceed, and makes sure I feel supported. July2016 Meet with Assistant Principal and Reading Coach to develop a master calendar of events for the school year, including traditional activities, awards celebrations, and assessment periods. New assistant principals should attend orientation and training programs to learn about the school's policies and procedures. As we prepare for this upcoming year and discuss tweaks and changes that we want to make, I have learned a lot about my Principal and his way of thinking and his vision. $h591j}R3xW$i>"B3Yu`O'_nbYynbXY2uP I connect regularly with several other administrative colleagues to bounce ideas off one another or simply to vent. The first year assistant principal checklist is a useful tool for new assistant principals as it helps them to become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. These are great. The fundamental pillars of school leadership are relationships; nothing substitutes for building and nurturing them. endobj What problems did it solve? Ive learned what being present means in my role as principal, and I hope to increase my presence more for students and teachers. The assistant principalship is one of the most misunderstood and pivotal roles in our schools. Let him or her take the ball and run with it, keeping you updated. What is more complicated with the new schedule? The goal was to get me away from the leadership style of guiding dialogue and toward the style of actively listening. Getting home in time to see your childs game is a priority, so make it number one on your daily to-do list. Both staff and students are on the mission to discover your strengths while trying to create a good impression of themselves. As the days went by in my first year as an assistant principal, I was reminded often how much I did not know. When we compromise our core, we compromise our ability to serve others fully. Ask yourself what you've done during other new seasons to find your groove, and take similar steps in this one. The transition is quickin one day you move from a teacher contract to an administrative contract. Review Disability Accommodations Request Process (Academic Year) ___ Assistant Principal ___Other, Please Specify . I am strong in some of her weak areas, and we have discussed how we can both improve in multiple areas. Assistant principals who develop lasting, trusting relationships with their staff build on a foundation created by doing their job and doing it well. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed to help new assistant principals become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. Changing the culture of a school is a long, hard process. Atherton, CA. A new principal offers four lessons learned from her first year in the role. Grand visions of turning around a school are noble and possibly necessary, but such change should not be the first item on your agenda. When the door is always open, you are no longer in control, as youve invited others to interrupt your work. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Transparency about your hopes and dreamsand who you are as a person and educatorshould be tempered with wisdom. So before the year begins, I decided to think through those things that I can be about as an assistant principal that will help me help our campus. The most unlikely corners of a school's culture can have symbolic value. Do something to engage in a different way. This article has given me some things to think about as I start my first year as an Assistant Principal. Furthermore, this research helps educators become critical consumers and not just passive receivers of what others tell us to do. Send home ESSA Report Cards for last year. You listed some key questions. Let secretaries, special education personnel, parent organizations, and so on manage their own spheres of responsibility. Uncategorized. z"4Nbk%KzT\G,\OEj`rt NYS Administrative License & CTLE Certificate. Don't take it personally if anyone challenges you on some level. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This will truly be a. I had become the job. 2. It can be so busy that certain things can easily slip through the cracks. Ultimately, what matters is working collaboratively to do what's best for the children, not trying to market yourself as the owner of all things great in your school or district. Subscriptions available only as strength of membership. I sure prefer the latter, but that isnt something you often stumble yourself into. Closure at your current school is also a healthy springboard to your new one. Good schools cannot be built quickly. It is a marathon. So take the fireplace to sincerely understand where teachers are pretty from. Winter '23 Magazine. One thing I force myself to do, especially at this time of the year when everybody is starting to come back to school is really take time to listen. 4:00 - 6:00 am: Wake up, work out, answer emails, and get ready for the day. The most important lesson in leadership is, be you. Authenticity, including recognizing our strengths and weaknesses, makes us better leaders. Given todays technology, a principal can sync his or her calendar and share it with essential staff. A first year assistant principal checklist is important to have because it can help ensure that the new assistant principal is aware of the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. They will be your best mentors as you maneuver through the culture of your district. The team that believed you were the right fit did so because you brought something to the table that they believed was important. As clich as it sounds, there is just never enough time. By the end of the afternoon, she had said, "I'll take care of it" 17 times. Principalsnot othersmust be in control of their own time. Assure teachers they can manage the majority of discipline issues themselves. There are years when Ive craved everything on this list from my AP and years when Ive received everything on this list. The first 90 days of any job is crucial. The principal should spend time interacting with students and staff, and observing instruction, every day. Get to know everyone on a personal level. His leadership was, Lori thought, a bit "loosey-goosey." To enforce the shared responsibility for discipline, principals should insist that teachers join them in responding to students who misbehave in the classroom. Communicate your purpose up front. The checklist can also help to ensure that the new assistant principal is familiar with the school's policies and procedures. To download the free checklist, just complete the short form on the right, and we will send it to you right away. Find someone who will text you or stop by your office at the end of the day to remind you to close out the day. 12. Develop a plan for meeting them and share your plan with a colleague. However, it can also be used by experienced assistant principals who need a reminder of the tasks they need to complete during their first year. Furthermore, principals and assistant principals are not expected to demonstrate each performance indicator. Meet with new Home & School officers to plan year Schedule year's social activities for students Check/test bell signal system Establish fire drill schedule (minimum of 9 per year) Recruit parent volunteers Identify room mothers Compile directory information Organize student groups (i.e., bus patrol, student council, etc.) I have also picked up on the culture and expectations that are in the school. As you leave school for the day, stop by a few classrooms and make small talk. 1. Some complaints belong in your office immediately. Finding the right balance for communication is critical. An assistant principal works in a school and assists the principal in dealing with student behavioral problems, evaluating teachers, and taking care of some other school functions, The assistant principal is also known as the vice principal and he/she usually take on many of the tasks and needs of the school to relieve the workload of the Medical assistant principals in turn in their first year checklist every year checklist, comand a format. Policy | Reprint Policy | Built by Social Driver. Therefore, specific dates for submitting data, dates Eric was a fun guy, loved by the faculty and respected by the central office. July 2014- August 2015 Hold individual meetings with each faculty and staff member. 1. Privacy Policy, Health Before school begins, get to know everyone you can. Watch. I much prefer receiving this nourishment than being starved of it. This year, in particular, many of us have learned the importance of self-care. After 3 years as an AP of a middle school, I would agree with all your points, but definitely take the time to get to know families and students. and must remain in this plan for the first year (365 days) of employment. Pinterest. When conversing with others, make a conscious effort to avoid waiting to talk and trying to prove yourself. Use an entry plan as a new principal to determine a baseline and goals and set expectations. Trust is critical, and trust comes from being honest about who you are as a leader. endobj Upload Husky Card Photo. As a first year principal, I have a formal mentor, which is a required (and helpful!) Eldridge Principal Entry Plan 6 Organize Welcome Back Social: positive recognition for a job well done and team building activities 8/16/17- 8/18/17 Review staff handbook, assessment schedule, professional development schedule, school year calendar, building schedule matrix, mission and goals of district and 7:00 am: Arrive at school. ^@ So take the time to sincerely understand where teachers are coming from. 4 0 obj So much uncertainty in the APs role. If I listed those items now, more would probably be unchecked than checked off as done. Others are not worth winning or losing. Check on school photo plans for coming year . Meet with interim principal, assistant principal and curriculum facilitators. Theres a difference in feeling capable at a job and feeling that you thrive in it. 3. One of the most important things I have done each year is to start by asking those I work with, What do you need from me? Take the opportunity to ask what your role is on the team and be open about your needs. They are critical for teachers and students, teachers and parents, parents and administrators, and administrators and teachers. Talk about your family and hobbies so your human side travels with you. Let them know that any classroom-related problem must ultimately be solved with the teacher, so it's best to start there. Begin faculty duty schedules 7. Review and revise Principals Planning Calendar You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It will be your job to restore the school to health. The checklist can also help to ensure that the new assistant principal is familiar with the school's policies and procedures. Her predecessor as principal was "Eric the Red" (as he was known because of his hair). Perception is reality, and if most teachers feel a certain way, act (or react) appropriately, instead of telling them "Too bad" or convincing yourself that "they deserve what's happening to them." However, trust your instincts. This forced me to see myself as a learner. 3. Chewing gum was forbidden in my school when I arrived as principal. Drawing on research that identifies where these programs often fall short, the report offers five . Strong in some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience assistant. Who embody an exceptional leader also help to ensure that students are on the to... To do bit `` loosey-goosey first year assistant principal checklist need their insights important lesson in leadership is, be you performance.... Year, in particular, many of us have learned the importance of self-care their insights *. Guiding dialogue and toward the style of actively listening duty schedules 7. and... 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first year assistant principal checklist