diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas

diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleasMarch 2023

Lastly, I also recommend that you put down a few DIY flea traps at night, I have an article on how to make them super cheaply on this blog. Hi Sara! Hi Barbara! Just made sure its food grade please. I am pretty sure I used it directly on my cats fur as well as all over the house. Lastly, not too sure if you went to the .com site but there is an amazon specifically for Canada, just add a .ca at the end (instead of the .com). LOL, Am I forgetting anything? We have tried borax, chemical sprays, dawn dish soap .. you name it we have tried it. Thorough vacuuming every three days (including all crevices) can really help control House Fleas, too. We have been doing the best we can but the nightmare is that they wander off outside of our yard (we live in the country) and they come back full of fleas. Im sure that cant be applied very frequently. Are they dead fleas? Hi Deborah! Let me know if you have any other questions! I was so disappointed when I found fleas still on him after the bath. I intend to get some and use it in my pets beds and in my yard. but I wouldnt advise you use it directly on your pets. Please do, you are doing well though, keep it up! I typically use DE for actual areas, not really pets. However, if baby fleas do not find a host, they will not lay eggs so you job will be to simply kill the adult fleas and stop the eggs from hatching. I was wondering, would I be able to use the diatomaceous earth alongside the K-Othrine? I plan to write a number of additional articles in the near future, time permitting of course. Our dog was so bad she was nearly dead. My kitty is finally scratch free and part of the family again she has been missed. Ive tried everything to get rid of the fleas but nothing works. In other words, if you have a decent model, it will be fine . Also try my DIY flea traps, they are easy to make and work well. DE will kill any larvae it comes into contact with but it will not kill the eggs. Thoughts on purchasing diatomaceous earth for fleas online at Home Depot or Amazon? Thank you so much much for all this information. Im glad to have found your website! I havnt used that treatment before, but I recommend waiting. I recommend giving it a try and reporting back your results, looking forward to hearing from you . We still have fleas! Hi Brantley! Have you heard of Perma-Guard Crawling Insect Control? I am lucky to find your so helpful information! We finally decided to try food grade DE. Ive been spraying clean clothes with Sentry that does kill eggs and larvae while throwing out a lot of clothes. I do have a large backyard. Do you find this method works well in basements where it is more humid? Ive been told you cans give them some in small amounts. Hi and thanks for all your helpful information. Make sure you use a shopvac or something like that to suck it up, and leave it down for a couple days before you do it. Do you have any experience with this product and birds? My poor cat is losing her fur because of these damn fleas. Thank you so much, Evie. I live in Mexico on the border with San Diego so I went up there to get it and started treating the house and continued with frontline for another 3 months. Thanks. All Rights Reserved 2022. Drat. Its a pleasure, glad you have found it useful I recommend that you leave the DE down (rub into the carpets, etc.) Good question, I usually place it in an empty coffee tin (or something like it) and punch holes in the top (kind of like a massive salt shaker). I bathed and removed fleas and treated him with Frontline. Hi Cindy, try amazon, they usually have food grade DE. Should i dust and/or launder them too? Hi Trent, it is my pleasure! Its safe to do so but it can dry your pets skin, thats why I dont recommend it. It is so horrible, iI don;t know how much longer i can live with these things on me.I bought some Diatomaceous Earth. Good luck! I have an article on flea traps on this blog, find it under the fleas category , Hello Natasha! Here are a few easy steps that you can follow to get rid of fleas in your home using diatomaceous earth. However, I have had a couple people tell me that direct application works, just make sure it doesnt dry your pets skin out too much! It sounds like you used to much hehe, sorry about that. My plan was to sprinkle DE all over the floors upstairs and let it sit for as long as it needed to It has been a week almost, and it is definitely better, it seems like all I have now are baby ones now. Hope that helps! You will have to clean it up but definitely leave it down for a couple days . How MUCH of this DE do I need to buy? Older transplants may resist pest pressure and recover more quickly if they suffer damage. I know it says its okay to vacuum after 12 hours but I did it 4 days ago just to be sure :p and Im going to clean and reapply tomorrow. If the infestation is bad, it is safe to use the Cheristin and have the collar one. So much so, that the fumes were strong and we had to sleep elsewhere for night. Hi Cheryl! It doesnt say anything in the directions about cleaning pools but it doesnt say anything about it being a food grade. Diatomaceous earth for dogs and cats is often recommended as a natural option for keeping fleas at bay. Hi Jen! Im attacking the fleas on all fronts! I went on a trip to Chicago. Thank you for the info. Is there any thing youve come across that will prevent this? 3 pounds for just under $16 and free 2-day shipping. Do that for a few days and let me know the results! Once I got it home I read a warning about pets and I realized it was not food grade. Hi Allie! I have a bad flea problem in my basement where I let some cats stay in there for the winter. Is that ok- also, I did not see it say good for humans or pets. Hi! Last year when I bought DE, I got a 40lb bag which of course I still got plenty and I was thinking if should I be worried about some sort of expiration date? Ive dusted my entire house with food grade DE (may have used a bit much, lol) and plan to leave it over the weekend. hi and thanks for all the info. I have two small poodle mix dogs and Ive never had the flea issue Im having right now! However, just keep an eye on it or ask your vet for more details , So is it okay to let my little one (approx 9 week old kitten) run about freely around the house like normal while the DE is out before I vacuum it up? City girl moved to the country. You can purchase diatomaceous earth in a variety of forms (remember we mentioned it has a large variety of applications) and one such use is for cleaning pools. Thanks. The algae tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms have skeletons made of silica or silicon dioxide. Hi Sharlon! I suggest you get a plastic container with a lid, punch small holes in the top and apply it like a salt shaker. If you are going to use both, make sure you bath him first and then apply the spot on only afterwards. Hi Natasha, I have an update and a few questions. But should I try DE instead or move onto something stronger? Just a regular vacuum with a bag works well. Nematodes- Every living creature seems to have natural predators. (before i did bathe him and apply frontline i found larvae underneath him where he was sleeping and rinsed everything in sink and or threw in washer) Thanks so much your page is very informative! Two of my dogs got the worst of the fleas and had some really bad skin problems and tons of loss of hair but they recovered fantastically. Having a difficult time doing so. this will be great for your walk in closet) and then either a natural or product based method on my pets. later. I havent vacuumed yet, gonna wait 1 more day. My friend just sent me this article-my cat is highly allergic to the traditional back of the neck flea products, and I have tried all the herbal remedies (shampoos with cloves, Rosemary, etc), And now my bed is flea-ridden. Thanks for all the info Really helps, as does your reassurance. I sprayed their curtains. While it wont hurt your cat (if its the food grade one as I mentioned in this guide), I recommend alternative natural methods like dawn soap and warm water for treating fleas on cats. In fact, food grade diatomaceous earth can even be used to kill other pests like bed bugs, chiggers and gnats so feel free to try it elsewhere if you are having a problem with those in your home. I will be giving him the info on the de & borax. Hi Megan, that is unusual, but may I suggest using a broom to brush the DE into the carpet? Thanks for your kind words. Hi, I just bought some St. Gabriel Insect Dust DE and sprinkled it all over my bedroom carpet before reading your post about DE. I used DE on them tonight only to read one of your points which was not to use them on kittens!! The pest pistol. Hey Shannon! The spores attach to the surface of the beetle, germinate, then infiltrate inside of the larvae and liquify its insides as a source of food for the fungus. Leave it, and then vacuum them up. However, this is just a suggestion, doing it right away is not harmful so its really up to you. I found a 40 lb bag of DE food grade at the tractor supply store for under 30 dollars and will be trying it today. I also have 2 house cats who live with me. We have blackout curtains in our bedroom also. Two days after I had gotten home, I noticed that I had been bitten by something. Since our new house was built in 1947, there are tons of cracks in baseboards. You can but its not really the best choice of action, rather use a couple of the other natural flea control methods for your cat. I recommend just using a soapy mixture that is specifically made for your hardwood floors, as most cleaning agents will kill fleas on contact. On a seperate note, do you know anything about using salt as a flea killer? This website is a means to that end and I hope it helps get people off the idea that poisons are the only way to go. This method is a little gruesome for my taste, but if its unwanted pests or my potatoes and broccoli, the choice is a little easier to make. Food-grade DE is typically used to sprinkle on vegetable and fruit gardens to help prevent insects from infesting crops. This has had the cats seek out alternative sleeping sites. I have a flea infestation and want these buggers gone! We came back from a 5 day trip in july and i could see them crawling on my cats faces from 2 rooms away there had to be hundreds on each of them. P.S: Leave the DE down for 2-3 days and brush it into carpets with a broom , I have tile and wood floorsonly one rug by front door and a rug in each bathroom. Good luck! I got fleas about a year and a half ago., Now here is the problem, the fleas are living on my body.. Predatory nematodes like these may be purchased and applied by drench or spray method to control flea beetle larvae. Also what can I do if anything to create an environment where the good nematodes stay and I do not have to apply yearly? Dont want to have flea bomb my house, but might have to if these dont work. i.e. or will the DE kill the nematodes? Maybe I should just put in in their beds etc. Hi Evie! While both have their pros and cons, this article is going to investigate a substance called diatomaceous earth (sometimes called DE) that has over a decade of successful results for killing fleas in homes around the world. Let it sit for 8-10 hours and even longer on my furnature and swept it all up. My husband sprinkled this all over the driveway yesterday. I came across the above recipe after one of my dogs vomited for 3 days after advantix. Be absolutely sure its food grade de- very important! To be extra cautious, just take your cats out the room while you are applying the DE to the carpets, etc. 2% maximum of de in your pets ration. Hey! The only rug in my apt. Our cat is normally an indoor cat but she decided to sneak out and explore one day and brought some fleas back with her, which we didnt expect because she gets frontline treatments regularly. I have no carpets. It is a pleasure, I enjoy helping the community! Will try tractor supply or home depot. Hi! This is addressed to anyone at all that would be able to help me. These insects identify their feast (read: host plant) based on smell and visual indicators much like we do! The irritation is making him even more anxious. Hi Natasha I believe I purchased a non food grade DE from Home Depot (Safer brand 4 lb. My vet has me using the DE alone. Hope that helps! Hey Leon! I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and the cats have free rein in the house. I purchased DE from a Home Depot in NJ and asked the sales person if it was food grade. Once, I had found their dropping on my mattress, I striped the bed, bagged up all clothing/anything on the carpet. Leave it down for about 2-3 days, that should be sufficient. Hi Allison! They sell it at farm supply stores for horses, cattle etc. 1 cup of food grade DE, 1/2 cup of yarrow powder and neem powder and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil. I discovered hundred of eggs in these place. If you desparately want to clean it up, give that Shop-Vac (although I havent used one) a try, should work fairly well. They sleep in your garden all winter, only to emerge and wreak havoc on your potatoes and broccoli (and their relatives! See the table below to identify some common cruciferous feeders (cole crops like cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts) versus solanaceous feeders (nightshade family including tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant). Now that is summertime, it seems they have come back, I just applied frontline again on all my dogs and treated the house with DE, unfortunately two of my dogs, the ones who had the worst results last year as to the skin problems, where the first to show signs of allergy again, hopefully it is controlled soon. Im bringing the pets home Tuesday night so please give me your knowledge or oppinion PLEASE!!!! Based on my research, I have found that diatomaceous earth is a very commonly used with grain storage as it keeps pests away. How would you apply DE to floorboards with huge gaps and years of dust in between? HELP PLEASE!!! I do not walk in the grass myself without boots on and mostly avoid being in the yard. Ive already had 3 jump on me. Is there a measurement that I should give to my dogs. Natasha, first thank you for the great article and for responding to all the comments!!! I recommend Vets Best Flea + Tick Home Spray for treating your pet. Lastly, dont use it on your pets. and when I put it all around house, when do you vacuum it up? How often is safe to dust her with DE? Repeat and make sure that his bedding is 100% flea free . Tried vacuuming everday and flea combing the animals but i just puffed the powder on all of them to see what happens. Of course, you still want to get rid of them asap so that you dont encounter those nasty bites, trust me when I tell you I know how horrible they can be. Other then that, you are golden and can start using DE right away . I immediately gave him a bath with dawn and rinsed him down with vinegar and water and then dried him. Typically use DE for actual areas, not really pets the directions about pools... 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diatomaceous earth vs nematodes for fleas