active listening role play scenarios

active listening role play scenariosMarch 2023

Whitney & Cooperrider, 2011); Tell them about your first job, or your very first working experience; If youve got a budget, give team members a small amount of money each to do something good with. Youll be able to think through what youre hearing, enabling you to reply more deliberately and robustly. Communication exercises may not feel 100% natural at first, but they let us work withrather than live in fear ofthat discomfort. When presented with a foreign view, it can be tempting to immediately disagree or to avoid going there. [2]. (20-30 min). (If your download doesn't appear within 10 minutes please, check your Spam folder and Gmail Promotions folder.). Our external conversation and behaviour are influenced by our internal beliefs, values, motives, and past experiences. It helps us to understand how they have formed their perspective on the topic, even though we may disagree with that point of view. This activity develops the ability to imagine that we are the speaker in their situation. Nonverbal communication. Discuss how the speaker felt to have your full attention. Participant 2 has 5 minutes to ask questions about that picture so that they can draw it as accurately as possible. Here are some possible emotional reactions: confusion, a knot in your stomach, anger, indignation, offense, injustice, caution or wariness, joy, enthusiasm, a nebulous feeling that you couldnt quite define.. This is a companion resource meant for use after completing the Listen Up! back to the Active Listening Skills. How might you create some listening and feedback approaches based on this? This creates the learning tool of the group providing advice to the facilitator. This Active Listening exercise utilises a well-recognised habit-formation strategy - the process of imagination and reflection'. Only speak in order to ask genuine questions. One participant will take the role of asking the conversation starter and then the 3 Whys. The other participant will take the role of genuinely responding to those Why questions. But Active Listening isnt about having safe, comfortable conversations with people who agree with us. [1]. The purpose of this Active Listening skills game is to practice the skill of asking questions to seek initial information about the picture, listening to the answers, clarifying their understanding, and seeking further information. Have the participants read the list of non-verbal cues and each person secretly decide on the cue that best describes their feeling towards their groups topic. Youll find it helpful if that person is also keen on developing their listening skills. For more depth on seeking to understand other people, see the article titled Want to Avoid Poor Discussions? The objective of this Active Listening activity is to increase your emotional intelligence by heightening your awareness of emotions that emerge during discussions. Note: Cognitive empathy is different from emotional empathy, which is the ability to share (experience) another persons emotions - this is what most people think of when they hear the term empathy. Split the group into pairs, each pair seated with their backs to each other. Printable step-by-step instructions (including resources). Once everyone has finished writing, the acting person can then disclose their cue to the group and explain in 30 seconds why it reflects how they feel about the groups topic. Special thanks to C. B. Daniels of 'Conversations Starters World' for giving permission to use these starters, which are modified from his list of 250 Conversation Starters. Deadlines, role boundaries, budgets, and the why, how, what of tasks. Appreciative Inquiry, for example, is one type of positive psychology intervention that uses storytelling in a compelling way, as a means to share hopes and build on our shared strengths. This Active Listening activity is modified from an extremely effective and useful Active Listening technique shared by Nick Read of Training For Change during a corporate management short course, "Managing People Enhancing Your Interpersonal Communications", via The University of Auckland, August 2006, They are to also collaborate, discussing what was easy to understand, what was confusing, and decide how to better describe the picture in the next round. Role-playing is a classic method for teaching communication skills. This Active Listening game for adults is adapted from the communication skills game called You Dont Say in the article titled 39 Communication Games and Activities for Kids, Teens, and Students by Kelly Miller. Bakker, A. In a larger group of participants, this can be done multiple times as players pair up with different conversation partners. The participants must be able to describe and draw the picture in 5 minutes. Discuss any other thoughts about this Active Listening exercise. Active listening involves attentively seeking to understand a speaker's message, rather than passively hearing the words that a speaker says. Invite students to role play the scenarios. Typically, we dont freely share our internal beliefs with others. Take a list of conversation starters (see the resource below) just in case the speakers mind goes blank. This is called Active Listening. It is a skill that can be acquired and developed with practice. These science-based tools will help you and those you work with build better social skills and better connect with others. What were you really into when you were a kid? Prior to passing on the toy, ball, or what have you, players ask something about the object and answer a question about it. Avoid filler words. Checked whether they wanted further information. Mostly though, we hint at our feelings and attitudes using more indirect non-verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, abnormal silence, posture, tone of voice, volume, and rate of speech. Very useful for my Communicare sessions. Listen With Empathy, Non-Verbal Cues Help Avoid Misunderstandings. Between them, they need to decide the plot of the comic, who will be carrying out which tasks, and what the frames will contain. What about their dynamics? Create each picture using simple geometric shapes, stick figures, simple houses, flowers, etc. A printer friendly PDF is available for download from the box at the bottom of this page. Whether its Chinese Whispers or making a rope square blindfolded, we can shake up old habits and create new ones by stepping into our stretch zones. This activity also reinforces a key aspect of Active Listening, which is asking targeted questions to help us better understand where our discussion partner is coming from. These interpersonal and team communication games cover topics such as misinterpreting information, awareness of our assumptions and engaging others. The group then lists the listening stoppers they noticed. In these pairs, they will take turns being a mime and being an asker. Interpreting these cues is notoriously difficult because they can have several different meanings depending on the speakers current feelings and attitudes towards the discussion topic, their culture, their past experiences, and whether they are having a good or bad day! Find more information on the exercise here. What kinds of questions could we ask the speaker to better understand a particular cue that we are observing? The job demands-resources model: State of the art. Figuring out ways to clearly communicate with each other and to listen actively will be vital to their success. Ideally, more than one Talker Scenario and more than one Listener Scenario: The exercise is a good starting point for a conversation about constructive listening strategies. Time needed 60-90 minutes Resources needed Whiteboard, blackboard or butchers paper Marker pens How it's done [1]. While speaking, what could you do to decrease the chance of miscommunication in real-life dialogue? Great simple and applicable source on communication topic. One member takes on the role of a speaker, and the other plays the part of the listener. While they talk, the listener pays close attention to the explicit and underlying details, using only non-verbal cues to show that they are listening. Heres an exercise on the pivotal role of clarification. The games and exercises in this section are about connecting on a human level so that we can communicate with more emotional intelligence in the workplace. This is the skill of repeating what . And clarity plays a role on a larger scale when it comes to our roles more broadly, in fact, its a psychological resource under the Job Demands-Resources model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). With active listening, the speaker is given the time and space to speak as much as they want. Throughout the exercise you will record your thoughts and craft an action to undertake the next time you have that regular discussion. One person can be the difficult customer and the other the customer service rep, then they can switch roles. If you hate pop-up ads, for instance, youve already got great material for your rant. Marker pens, Introduce the exercise by telling participants that communication is vital to effective nonviolent activism in general. Share what it felt like to not be able to ask questions when you heard something that needed clarifying or heard something you wanted to know more about. Can you help? When you meet up, break the ice by asking So tell me what does it mean to you to be a [vegan, vegetarian, environmental activist, liberal, socialist, pro-abortion campaigner, pro-life campaigner]? The goal is to collaborate and help each other, not to compete. Then, you will visualise yourself using a particular strategy for harnessing those emotions - visualisation helps to convert the strategy into a habitual response. For example: Emotion - Offense. Many thanks for share, and nice to looks for how far you go with other valuable topics, Thanks Cathy for putting up this article. Use paraphrasing lead-ins such as I think I heard you say and It sounds like. Ensure that Participant 2 does not see it. Hello, Im Andrew Ward and Im the Kiwi guy writing most of the stuff on this website. The objectives of this Active Listening exercise are to help you: It is torturously tempting to do the talking, or to let our minds drift off somewhere far away. For each of those strong emotions, write down answers to these questions: What did they say that triggered that emotion?, Was it triggered by any of their non-verbal gestures or expressions?. Write the topics on separate pieces of paper. With 2+ co-workers, pick one person (a speaker) to whom youll explain the instructions. All humans have some things in common. Perception of emotions is a key component of Mayer and Saloveys emotional intelligence framework and covers the ability to read others non-verbal cues as well as their potential moods (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). Unlike critical listening, active listening seeks to understand rather than reply. These games have been around for decades and are still fantastic for teaching active listening skills. . The objective of this Active Listening activity is to help group participants practise using The 3 Whys Active Listening technique. Together or solo, they can create I statements about how the imaginary scenario makes them feel. They showed that they understood how their patients were feeling to relate at an interpersonal level; where they didnt know, they at least made a stab at empathizing through educated guesses. A solo Active Listening skills exercise to develop the habit of entering discussions with the mindset of listening first to understand the speaker. Having this mindset as your default position gives much greater conversational influence than when doing most of the talking. The doctors studied also checked with their patients what their beliefs were about what was wrong. Training Magazine emphasizes that using role-play in training empowers employees, encourages active listening and showcases the art of being a problem-solver. E: Empathize - Having empathy in business pays off in all relationshipspractice understanding and compassion when listening to your customer's grievances. Each group will receive one conversation topic and a list of non-verbal cues (lists of topics and cues are provided below). Compared to profits, losses, and even risk, it is intangible. The talker discusses their dream vacation for three minutes, describing what they would like best about it but without specifying where it should be. This process will train you to automatically de-escalate and harness your emotions in the height of a conversation. Briefly share what you think you heard the speaker say (i.e. When we give attention to our relationships as well as the task(s) at hand, we create trust and collaborate more effectively. Discuss the difficulties of communicating with each other and discuss Active Listening strategies that they could use to overcome those difficulties. Were not always ready to receive and learn from criticism, especially when its delivered insensitively. Goh, S. C. (1998). But active listening encourages pleasant social interactions, which in turn, these boost our well-being and life satisfaction (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Nikolova, N., Clegg, S., Fox, S., Bjrkeng, K., & Pitsis, T. (2013). This activity is a slight twist on Chinese Whispers in that it uses a complex set of instructions rather than just a sentence. Sometimes mentioned along with reflective questioning, it involves, restating a paraphrased version of the speakers message, asking questions when appropriate, and maintaining moderate to high nonverbal conversational involvement (Weger Jr et al., 2014: 13). They will need to make notes. What is the strangest dream you have ever had? How did communication look with a longer or shorter chain? Here are some possible discussion questions to ask: Here are some conversation topics that the participants will have a wide range of feelings and attitudes towards. Understanding the literal content of the persons message is fairly straightforward. Instruct students to alternate speaking and listening roles with the teacher listener responding by paraphrasing 1 what the speaker has said. Its okay if participants choose the same cue. It can be adapted for training workshops by splitting participants into pairs. In a small paragraph, it should outline whats gone wrong (maybe its everything from a cracked smartphone screen to a delay during your commute). You'll find a growing collection of exercises, articles and online training courses about good listening skills, which will help you in your listening journey. [1]. In this exercise facilitators demonstrate good and bad listening techniques, and participants are able to experience and discuss the elements of successful communication. What might have contributed to this confusion? And then listen. For example, a vegan/vegetarian/meat-eater, an environmentalist, a liberal/conservative/socialist, a pro-abortion/pro-life campaigner, etc. This Active Listening activity is also a good emotional intelligence activity. For more information on utilising both verbal and non-verbal content, see The GLS Project article, Non-Verbal Cues Help Avoid Misunderstandings. zDevelop the character. So, plush toys, tennis balls, or similarbut the more imaginative they are, the better. Describe a book thats had an impact on your life. In this study, giving a diagnosis and treatment options was only one part of the job. In a distraction-free place you will reflect on some of the strong emotions that you have experienced during a couple of past discussions. Now imagine yourself harnessing those emotions. This game is fun for all ages. Youll need more than 9 participants for this activity, as well as paper, drawing, and coloring materials for each colleague. Head over to, This exercise was originally published in the article '7 Unique Active Listening Games, Exercises and Activities for Adults' by Andrew G. Ward, at. The catch is that they all need to draw at the same time, so they will not be seeing the preceding frame in the strip. What kinds of questions might you have asked? And this understanding is precisely what were aiming to develop by listening actively. How did you come to that view?, Emotion - Confusion. Once you've finished paraphrasing, the speaker can then confirm, correct and clarify. Defining Goals . Use active listening. This is the perfect opportunity to congratulate them or start a discussion about what they might do differently the next time around. Role-play. In communicating expectations, needs, and more, it helps to clarify and create common ground. Just listen in silence and try to understand the speaker. Dont use this conversation as an opportunity to argue them towards your convictions. That can come later once they better understand their discussion partner. Was your understanding of the description you received the same as your partners understanding of the description they relayed? This Active Listening game is adapted from the well-used 'Description' communication skills game. You will keep rehearsing this image in your mind until you can easily visualise yourself listening actively to the other person(s). Ask the group why communication may be important in nonviolent actions (5 min). Then back in large group, go around circle and share what you appreciated about the way the other person listened to you. Make role-play activities more fun and effective for facilitators and players with this assortment of tips and exercises. They can ask any questions they like, and Participant 1 is to describe the picture as prompted by those questions. Its a cognitive limitation of the way our brains are wired. Swap roles. Whats noise and whats a message? Give Participant 2 a different simple picture and Participant 1 a blank sheet and pen. Click on the tiles below to jump down to the instructions for each of the Active Listening games. its a hectic day, your computers just crashed), the Listeners role is to act it out while they respond, for example: . . Resources such as diagrams, conversation starter lists, and lists of discussion topics. They are hidden inside the speaker. Active listening helps you build trust and understand other people's situations and feelings. The need to belong: desire for interpersonal attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Active listening. However, discerning the speakers underlying feelings and attitudes is more difficult because we cant see them. The Struggle might be something like geographical distance between team members, and the Goal would be just that: their objective or success. (20-30min). Did you actually need to plan your response? Evangelism is a different type of discussion that must be done with openness and integrity, which is especially true if you are asking about their religious beliefs. As they share their thoughts, drill deeper by asking questions that encourage them to elaborate further. From him or her, they take another piece that someone else has written, and tries to act out that feeling to the rest of their groupusing only their facial expressions. Why?!. Silence: The Secret Communication Tool. Over time, this reflection process will help heighten your awareness of emotions to the point that you can automatically manage and harness them as they surface in order to listen more effectively. Ellen then needs to ask A What?, prompting you to repeat the items name. What did you feel when you were observing from the outer circle, listening but not contributing? Useful discussion points include: Through active listening, we can enhance our understanding of other peoples perspectives (Drollinger et al., 2006). Very insightful and interesting ways of training people for better workplace communication skills. Woolley, A. W., Chabris, C. F., Pentland, A., Hashmi, N., & Malone, T. W. (2010). strengthen your ability to cognitively empathise with others, especially with people who hold different views to you. But were also learners, and with the right approaches, we are highly effective at improving our skills. It's how they say it. Should there be limitations on the right to free speech? As Talker, what feedback did your Listener appear to give? Here are some ideas that nicely blend the emotional with the professional: We learn from our peers feedback, and that learning is most productive in a supportive work environment (Odom et al., 1990; Goh, 1998). We live in an information-driven society, where communication determines how fast we learn. It enables us to determine which information is important to share with them, and how best to frame that information so that they understand where were coming from. Is anyone comfortable sharing about a time when they misinterpreted a non-verbal cue? Participants who sit in the middle are talkers while those in the outer ring are watchers, and these roles should be allocated prior to the exercise. Retrieved from Avoid industry jargon when appropriate. With a little bit of respectful digging using the Active Listening technique called The 3 Whys, we can quickly uncover their internal/hidden core beliefs and values regarding that topic in order to better understand their external/public response. We can look at Learys Rose for more insights on how and why, but this time, the tip is to understand when to communicate or step back (Leary, 2004). Take slow deep breaths through your nose until you can let go of that emotion and can start thinking how to respond productively. It can be on the pre-chosen topic or on a different one, but the activity must conclude with a debrief. Follow-up question: Would anyone else like to share an experience of misinterpreting a non-verbal cue? Because communication is so multi-faceted, weve included a selection of different activity types. Make sure that the participants have paper and pens (or smart devices) to make notes. develop the active listening skills of (1) asking questions to. The Characters would then be whoever was involved, the Conflict may be a challenge the team faced (a new growth opportunity, perhaps). You will need a volunteer for this activity. Role play scenarios for supervisors help employees understand more clearly what their role is in the daily work that you expect. zDevelop the action. listening and not solving the issue or problem. Or, reading about how to communicate without actually trying what you learn. In what ways might your drawing have turned out differently if you could have communicated with your partner? Did anybody end up with both items at once? Subscribe to the newsletter for new resources every month. You can further enhance the impact of role-play in . The participants are divided into groups of 5. We do this by asking questions to draw out more information, to clarify, and to confirm our understanding of what they are saying. Your email address will not be published. While the asker can pose questions, the mime can only act out their answers. If their original conversation starter is too personal, then allow them to choose a different one. From your larger group of co-workers, let them form smaller groups of about 3-6 participants and tell them their task is to produce a unique comic strip, with one frame from each person. They can be one-on-one or team exercises, but the goal is the same: they help us develop our interpersonal skills and improve our capacity to relate. At the end of 4 minutes you may speak. How did you utilise the 2-minute collaboration pause? Maguire and Pitcheathlys (2002) clinical review offered several learning tips, the first of which was an emphasis on proper communication skills training. How did repeating the why question deepen your understanding of your discussion partners perspective? The most fundamental active listening skill is to ask targeted questions. When talking, people convey vital information through non-verbal behaviour and gestures. That applies both to our language and the extent to which we empathize. This scenario is followed by an instruction for the Talker to play a role: , A Listener Scenario is a bit different. Clarify Understanding IV. Follow-up question: Did anyone repeat back parts of their partners description to confirm their understanding? At the human level, our social resources play a massive part in our happiness and well-being in the workplace. Be patient, and don't cut them off. Together, the pairs can come up with more productive, empathetic, and appropriate responses, with the acting experience fresh in mind. Who is your longest friend? Listener has to practice active listening skills - listening attentively to what is being said and what is not quite being said, and demonstrating their listening to the talker by their behaviour. Used with permission from Time To Grow Global. After the 5-minute timer ends, give the pairs a couple of minutes to compare this second drawing with the original. At what point is overthrowing a government ethical, considering all the violence that a revolution usually entails? And that activity is to create a comic together, using their complementary skills and communication to realize a shared vision. When we do this, listening can become a bit of an afterthought. To really grasp how big of an impact it has, we can touch on some of the theory. Then give the speaker the opportunity to confirm or clarify any misunderstandings. Then, let them share the story of what they did with it; When onboarding new people, invite the group to bring in an object which symbolizes their wishes for the new team member. 5 Active Listening Games and Exercises. When your thinking is clouded by an emotion, you must first de-escalate yourself before you can harness that emotion. Make it extra-hard if you like, by instructing them not to look at one anothers creative progress as they draw, either. The group is split into pairs. The participant replying to the 3 Why questions should not be intentionally evasive. Remember that you're not obliged to agree with them. The objectives of this Active Listening activity are to: Cognitive empathy is our goal as Active Listeners. Benefits: As discussed, information delivery is crucial, but our focus here is opening up discussions. Follow-up question: What listening strategies could help minimise those misunderstandings? A., & Horgan, T. G. (2013). 5 Effective Sales Role-Playing Scenarios 1. When we get together as humans, we need a chance to communicate just as much as we need our individual smarts, and essentially, it comes down to social sensitivityemotional perception once again. CCSG is a structure, and it involves: C: Characters Shaikh Muhammad Ali - Islamabad, Pakistan, download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free. I too would like to be able to utilize them as a resource for my workshop. Armed with their handouts, talkers begin to engage with the topic. Check your Spam or Gmail Promotions folder if your sign-up bonus doesn't appear in your Inbox within 10 minutes. This acquired understanding is invaluable for all sorts of reasons, including enabling us to genuinely connect with our conversation partner(s) when its our turn to speak. It works with any sized team and requires only a facilitator and some novel objects that can be passed between participants. The listener uses effective listening and makes appropriate responses back to the speaker. What draws you to that idea? They are designed for adults (not children) and suitable for both personal listening development and workplace training workshops. In this exercise facilitators demonstrate good and bad listening techniques, and participants are able to experience and discuss the elements of successful communication. Development and validation of the active empathetic listening scale. Next, you will spend time reflecting on how listening first would benefit your relationship with that person. In what ways did being a watcher impact your perspectives of the talkers? This is a solo Active Listening exercise. Any message a person tries to get across usually has two components: the content of the message and the feeling or attitude underlying this content. [2] That is, it's not what they say. Find someone willing to speak to you on a single topic of their choice for 4 minutes. As humans, were complex. [1]. Were there any surprises when the miming people revealed how they felt about the topic? Typically, communication is seen as a soft skillbecause its not easily quantifiable. Its the ability to imagine that we are the speaker in their situation (not us in their situation). Crediting the source(s) of course. Emotional intelligence. Toward a learning organization: The strategic building blocks. Work engagement: An emerging concept in occupational health psychology. promote collaboration. [1]. 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active listening role play scenarios