if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

if you surrender a pet can you adopt againMarch 2023

Pets must be surrendered to a local animal shelter or rescue organization. I imagine that the way they treat other people can only be marginally better. Shelters in rural areas can connect with programs like the Rescue Waggin to move some of their kennel population to shelters in areas where adoption rates are higher, or they can screen rescues and connect with transport coordinators/teams to help them move those dogs to foster-based rescues. Ot isnt black and white. There should also be a list of animal abusers as well!!!!! A Contractual Obligation Id want to leave a little bit of leeway. Right, I suspect theres a chance on a resentful entitled hissyfit with my name for its address? Pets are family, and family is furever!!!! I look at those pictures with them at a shelter or in a cage instead of their homes, people who do that make me sick. No amount of time would make me trust them again. I think all pet owners should have a plan (in writing such as a living will) in order for when they are no longer able/capable to care for their pet due to illness/death, etc. Our intake program accepts pets Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, and is by appointment only.Your pet will be accepted if there is space available and we will not euthanize a healthy/adoptable animal to make space for another animal. Then, from bad breeding, the little Pom was found to have congenital heart failure. We were told he was a lab/boxer mix. For example, what if you are an abuse victim, have to get out, and the abuse shelter wont take your pet yet you dont dare leave your pet with your abuser for fear of what might be done to them. every night they give a public list of the dogs that will be murdered if not adopted next noon. Surrendering your pet to our shelter means you are giving up all rights to that animal. If a person doesnt want that responsibility, dont get a pet in the first place to begin with! Should I never be able to adopt again because I made the heart-wrenching choice to protect the life of my cat by returning my dog to the shelter, where she had a chance to be adopted by a family who didnt have a cat and would be able to love her without putting another animals life at risk? I could have been selfish and kept him, had him suffer just to be able to say he spent his last days with us. I was one of those judgemental people until it happened to me. I attempted to monitor I still think about those poor cats, but Im proof that people can change, and children can learn to do better than their parents. I was on a thread the other night and we were talking about exactly this. tell me what you would have done in this situation: They should NEVER be allowed to adopt again! **If you adopted your pet from another shelter or . i had to do this one time (it still eats at me) i lived out in the country and had 2 dogs, a st bernard and a shepard mix. Hell, they do t deserve to have a house plant let alone an animal. No they should not adopt. I had her for 13 wonderful years, and she passed with Mast Cell Cancer. No i feel they shouldnt be able to adopt again if they gave up their pet once they will do it again.they were aware about their pet goung to be put down and they still didnt care,so NOthey shouldnt be able to adopt, I strongly beleave that for every person surrending their fur baby just because they no longer love them and dont have a written & notarized letter stating the ergency for the surrender should definetly be put on every adoption & rescue site / company roster so if in the near future they decide to get a pet again their name , licsence number , and social security number should be the main factor to RED FLAG these so called animal lovers of gods animal children . I wish there was a way to flag the names of individuals who harmed their pet before giving them up. I am in no way supportive of allowing a person who adopted a puppy because it was all cuddly and cute, then surrendered the pet because it grew into a dog, to adopt another one. But I try to see the whole picture and not parts of it. In the end, when she was in a stable home with a stable job, she got the dog back. NO , ABSOLUTELY NOT! Yes! There should also be a list for those who abuse animals as well!!! I absolutely am against people getting another pet once they have surrendered an animal. What you dont want to do is to discourage surrenders to the point where people just abandon their dogs to die, or where they take them out and shoot them so that they wont have that stigma of surrender attached to them. I guess it is better than dumping them on the roadside or beating them to death , but I read too often that its too time taking, they have children, they are moving. I do agree that there should be a national registry. stray cat. It can be difficult to decide whether or not to surrender a pet in Florida, but you should be aware that it is not free. A person that surrenders their dog just to adopt another, is doing the surrendered dog a great disservice! In no way should a person who surrenders a pet be allowed to adopt pet! We have rescued 5 other dog with out every having to return one over our last 64 years on this earth. Especially when they are dropping off an older dog to pick up a younger one!! What we need is people and this is something the kids can do and just bring the parents when it is authority time. Broke skin and she had a black eye for almost a week. Complete intake forms. I agree they are family and for me, they come first. But his veterinarian told us that if we couldnt pay for the surgery, the best thing we could do was take him to the Humane Society where they would do the surgery and adopt him out. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312. If you cannot live up to that then you have no business adopting another one. If theyre a repeat surrendererthen no. Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. I am in a better place finanically, and recently became an owner of a dog I was fostering, and I go above and beyond for him every day I shouldnt have been punished and not allowed to keep this dog just because of the problems with Jackson. terrible choice I would take my dog to a NO KILL shelter. Then we can begin working with them to save more lives. He wasnt put down, he was adopted to a home with no kids and Im sure he will be great there because overall he was a good dog but just too protective of one kid over the other making it unsafe for my kids. If they are too lazy or stingy to take care of one dog/cat, common sense tells you they are not going to take care of the next one! If you have any questions, please contact LHS at 440-951-6122 ext. If they brought a pet back to a shelter, they should be put on a list and be banned for life from owning another animal! She luckily works from home and he needed around the clock care. NO ! Stronger laws need to be made and enforced for irresponsible pet owners! If you are looking for a pet, Petco works with reputable breeders and animal rescue organizations to help bring pets in need of homes to their stores, so it is a great option for those looking to rescue or adopt a pet. If you the shelter is too hard on adoption requirements the person will just buy a pet from a pet store or from Craigslist. There are times that circumstances dictate that animals must be relocated to another homes. People marry and divorce, but can marry again. No way anyone that could just give up baby to a shelter doesnt deserve to own another . For the time that there previous pet would have lived. I tried everything. 5. You may also consider the below locations for surrendering your pet: Miami-Dade Animal Services. Some pet owners think that when they surrender their pet to a shelter that the pet will be loved and spoiled for as long as it takes to find them a homethe truth is often quite different. That being said, if they give them up to a Kill Shelter, they should NOT be allowed to adopt. I cant understand how anyone can just throw away a pet. NEVER AGAIN! Please note we are located in Lynnwood, Washington 20 miles north of Seattle. So I took him back to Pa where I got him where I new where he would be safe because everybody loved him there. Its not so black and white. When you get an animal you are making a life long commitment, just like having a child! No cuddling or very little is available just from the shear magnitude of volume coming through shelters. it is not fair to lump everyone into one category. If it a superficial reason, then no. It depends on the circumstances. I would move heaven and earth to keep my pet under any reason. He is mine for life. Instead of condemning people who had to make a heartbreaking choice, try educating people about their options. People take jobs and lose jobs but are expected to find work again. Just because my dog went mad doesnt mean another dog will so just because I surrendered a dog doesnt mean I would do it again. After moving to GA the house I was renting went into foreclosure. Depends on the situation., and a mere 14 minutes later to an ill-considered NO THEY SHOULDNT! She kept trying to attack me. Do you really think the shelter operated on your dog and made that pet available for adoption? A protective dog is great! But some people should not be allowed to adopt again like if they just dont want it anymore, say its too old (without very expensive medical conditions), or like one guy I saw at my local shelter, didnt want that particular gender. Theyre a lifetime commitment, their lifetime. Check with the original shelter. I hoped they would help him- with his sadness, his anxiousness, his escaping, getting him fixed. We are closed on Mondays. Join our mailing list to receive the latest dog news, recall alerts, and giveaways! Every animal we have owned came from a shelter or was recued from a bad situation. The greatest horror is that of aging dogs, that breaks my heart when they are neglected and murdered, cause they are no longer serving a purpose for owners. NO! Then I feel those folks should not be allowed to adopt again. Loss of a job, income and/or home, a beloved dog being a danger to a new baby, severe illness where the owner cant care for their beloved pet, are a few examples which might force a heartbroken owner to give up their beloved pet. Suddenly the dog lunges away from his bath and runs at the baby. He never bit anyone, but that kind of thing scares people, and rightfully so. There are many reasons why a person may take a pet to a shelter. I just hear too many excuses when dogs are turned into a shelter. And so I still say no! Its a heartbreaking but rewarding process. It would depend on why they are surrendering the pet. Think Adoption First! Make it a surrender application. Lifetime prohibition against ever having a pet again is proportionate. The Elderly is one exception that Ive seen that I wouldnt tell no to if in the future things were secure enough for another devoted companion. My first inclination is to say no, if you surrender a pet you have no business getting a new one. If you are thinking of surrendering your pet, please consider: Calling our Behaviour Helpline: We offer knowledgeable information and advice on a variety of pet behaviours. 1.) Absolutely not!!!! Became very attached then found out she was pregnant. If you need to leave your dog, really leave him and have not other option go and board him till you find a new good home for him. As compassionate rescuers and animal-loving people, it's important not shame people for surrendering their pets. I cant begin to imagine the fear those animals feel being left behind like that. Not that no kill shelters are bad but I prefer rescue groups that bring the animal into their home so it never have to sit in a kennel or a cage. Just to be clear I still have my lil beagle, but had I known then what I know now, I never would have adopted a dog. Think of the responsibility you have to undertake. Even knowing that they'll be adopted again, you're still going to feel crummy. Definitely NO!!! They can use sites like VolunteerMatch or AdoptAPet to list volunteer positions/needs and attract help. I know there may be some special cases.No, i take that back. I agree I just had to give up my dog back to the humane society because I found out I am severely allergic to her . i was forced out of my trailer and put into the city. There are so many variables here. Even though there may be extenuating circumstances, those who surrender a pet should be barred from having the chance to adopt again. Everything, I thought, was going as planned. You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. Anyone that can do this has little to no conscience or compassion and should not be considered for pet adoption. But your average person that finds a stray probably doesnt know that. 10 years?) That is unforgivable in my book. When he came to me, life was made complete. And work for the poor kitty he gets dumped again that cat would have been fine how many homes do these poor creatures have to go through we have to understand animals feel love and pain think people think. If a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, should she be allowed to get pregnant at some future time? When you get a dog or cat you commit to take care of them even in sickness and old age. There are no special cases. After about two months of feeding and talking to the cat every day it finally let me pet it. My choices were to sentence my cat to a life of fear and guaranteed violent death, or return the dog I loved to the shelter. What if they relinquished a cat because their newborn is allergic to cats, but not dogs? During this time, every member of my family and quite a few of our friends were growled at and bitten. I could list several more reasons, but the whole point is to show that if somebody relinquishes their animal, they will always need to go and support the pet store instead of their local animal shelter because they refuse to adopt to them. Please call around. Theyre clearly not capable of caring for a pet. (For example, after a length of time, say 5 years, has passed? Surrender fee: $90. People should treasure the time they have left with their dog as they get older! Some one that did not care would just let it fend for itself and dump it anywhere. We should have a DNA list. A few get a more chances if reserved, but if the person that is supposed to pick them up doesnt show next day they go back to the list. Yes there is going to be a cost, food, pet insurance, perhaps spaying/neutering, a warm blanket and perhaps a dog coat, a shelter if your pet is to spend time outside, veterinary care such as annual booster vaccinations, per care if you want a holiday break. Absolutely not! I have never surrendered a dog and would never do that. I have pet insurance but I have still had many expenses for her not covered or falling within the excess of the policy. There are many reasons people have to rehome. Very bad weather was approaching so I moved the cat inside into a spare bedroom. Animal Surrender Because people change it would be awful to punish someone for life, i adopted a puppy and two cats from the shelter and i think it is awful when people dont want there pets anymore, better the shelter than the street though. I know many folks who unknowingly bought a dog from a pet store not knowing about puppy mills and were aghast after they found out. When a dog is surrendered they should have to give name and drivers license which is entered into the registry. Why should they be able to adopt again? never! I WOULD NEVER GIVE UP MY BABYS FOR ANYTHING I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL, SO NO, NO, NO. Each person standing in line was there to surrender their dog, despite being told their dogs would likely be euthanized as the overcrowded shelter simply couldnt handle all the unwanted pets. To sentence them to death for reasons beyond their control disturbs me to my core. So many pets are dumped to be euthanized for flimsy reasons such as I cannot afford to have his broken leg set, I cannot afford to have her tumour removed, he/she is old and we want a new puppy. You dont move somewhere that doesnt accept your child, you dont give your child up because a new baby is born, you dont give your child up because you bought a new piece of furniture. 10 years?). For example; if someone had a large breed dog who had always been very gentle. So no never again to have a Dog. the shepard mix i owned was very protective and only liked 3 people. I volunteer by networking dogs at a high kill facility in South Carolina. When I moved to a house but worked full time, I adopted cats. These are my Children, I LOVE THEM TO DEATH. If I cared more about her former pets than she did, no way would I endorse her for another. They should be allowed to if their circumstances change for the better. She wanted to also adopt one of our transport dogs in no uncertain terms and in very clear Spanish I made it understood that she will one day be treated as she treated her dog and to not complain about it. Example: Dog needs several thousands of dollars for cancer care. So, NO I do not feel they should be able to adopt again. If you surrender it knowing it will more than likely be euthanized then you dont deserve a pet rock let alone another live animal. They love and trust us to be there for them just as they are there for us. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. I dont think they should ever be allowed to adopt or own a dog again. There are rescues out there for every type of dog. care. Vicious with my daughter and one day he bit her in the face n because I surrender him no one wont let me adopt again n I feel its on fair. Animals are not toys, or accessories that one gets tired and turns them in or dumps them out in the wild to get killed by other animals. Just too old is the most disgusting excuse ever. I understand that some people, due to circumstances, dont believe there is any other choice. I understand that life brings hurdles and can get very tough and can be made tougher when you care for animal. Petsmart does not accept surrendered pets at their retail locations. Monday morning, I got the call, Dakotas legs have given out. But I think that You will need an appointment, and there is no fee to surrender, although we always accept donations to offset the cost of caring for the animals. She had been on a farm where she had attacked a horse and they wanted to give her a chance. Not the fault of my son, so why should he be blocked from trying to adopt again. By that time, the new Lab puppy that I got because the shelter told me to, will have lived his entire life with no companion, but if I send him back to the shelter, Ill be banned for life? As long as the shelter didn't violate any laws, then the contract you signed to adopt the dog is legally binding. No way. Im a single mom on a very tight income in a crowded neighborhood, working full-time, in a custody battle for my youngest son, attending school for my masters degree. DogingtonPost.com was created for the love of dogs. Except they dont talk back and love you unconditionally!!! The one that took my Beagle ended up dropping him off with a neighbor who did doggie foster care, where he stayed for about three hours until I got off work. If I were to Judge it would all have to do with the cicrcmstances. So what do we dobuy from a breeder. Here are the real-life filming locations for the show. Lifetime ( at different occurrences ), no depends on the situation., and so! Had her for 13 wonderful years, and she passed with Mast Cell Cancer to make a choice... This time, every member of my son, so why should he be blocked from trying adopt! Was going as planned i do not feel they should never be allowed to get at... Our mailing list to receive the latest dog news, recall alerts, and she passed with Mast Cell.! From bad breeding, the little Pom was found to if you surrender a pet can you adopt again a house but worked full,. 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if you surrender a pet can you adopt again